Activity activity name is used to defined name of the config file
<action android:name="org.omnirom.DaylightHeaderPack1" />
android:label="<label>" >
<action android:name="org.omnirom.DaylightHeaderPack1" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
Config file
hour_header - display image if hour is larger then value
day_header - display image on this day and hour - will overrule hour header
random_header - choose a random image from the image list
list_header - sequential iterate over the image list
change_interval - change interval in minutes - default interval is one hour only valid in random or sequential mode
meta_data - additional optional information about the header pack creator text will be displayed in BrowseHeaderActivity
<hour_header hour="21" image="night" />
<day_header day="25" month="12" image="christmas" />
<day_header day="1" month="1" hour="0" image="new_year_1" />
<day_header day="1" month="1" hour="12" image="new_year_2" />
<random_header image="nature01" />
<random_header image="nature02" />
<random_header image="nature03" />
<meta_data creator="maxwen" />
<change_interval minutes="10" />
<list_header image="nature01" />
<list_header image="nature02" />
<list_header image="nature03" />
Label will be the name your pack will appear when selecting
Images size should have a 4:1 ratio. Images will be resized to fit and cropped as necessary.
Images are drawn behind quickbar in collapsed state so you should avoid to use too bright colors in that area else the quickbar images will become hard to see.
- Travis Hall
- Syed Sajid
Show pack properties like type (random, list, time context) and change interval when selecting
Using Picasso
- JP Kenji
- PartimusPrime
Put images files into drawable-nodpi
<wallpaper image="wall_name" creator="optional creator name" />