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1. Installation 🎯

guntrumm edited this page Mar 4, 2023 · 2 revisions

Important πŸ”₯

Due to bugs regarding ScriptableObject losing references [in Unity 2022.2] when a package was updated, it's currently not advisable to install NewGraph as a package. Please clone this repository in the Assets folder of your project or add it as a submodule if your project already uses git version control.

Alternatively (if you don't need bleeding-edge), you can download a .unitypackage from the Releases section.

Installation 🎯

  1. Open your Package Manager window in Unity
  2. Click on the '+' icon and select 'Add package from git URL...'
  3. Add package.
  4. Add package.
  5. Close the package manager.
  6. Clone or download in your Assets folder.
  7. You are ready to go.
Clone this wiki locally