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4. MIxS controlled vocabularies
Whenever possible, MIxS metadata descriptors provide users a controlled vocabulary (CV) of terms as the value of a descriptor. A CV is an organized arrangement of words and phrases used to index content and/or to retrieve content through browsing or searching. The purpose of CVs is to organize information and to provide terminology to catalog and retrieve information. CVs promote consistency in preferred terms and the assignment of the same terms to similar content. While this might be restrictive, experience has shown that such CVs vastly enhance searching and automated retrieval of genomic datasets, as opposed to free text values. The CVs are dynamic, and are extended when required and requested.
The list below is all the MIxS descriptors that require the use of a CV, and their subsequent terms:
environmental package CV
air|built environment|host-associated|human-associated|human-skin|human-oral| human-gut|human-vaginal|hydrocarbon resources-cores|hydrocarbon resources-fluids/swabs| microbial mat/biofilm|misc environment|plant-associated|sediment| soil|wastewater/sludge|water`
observed biotic relationship CV
free living|parasitism|commensalism|symbiotic|mutualism
health or disease status of specific host at time of collection CV
healthy|diseased|dead|disease-free|undetermined|recovering|resolving| pre-existing condition|pathological|life threatening|congenital
trophic level CV
autotroph|carboxydotroph|chemoautotroph|chemoheterotroph|chemolithoautotroph| chemolithotroph|chemoorganoheterotroph|chemoorganotroph|chemosynthetic|chemotroph|copiotroph| diazotroph|facultative|autotroph|heterotroph|lithoautotroph|lithoheterotroph|lithotroph| methanotroph|methylotroph|mixotroph|obligate|chemoautolithotroph|oligotroph|organoheterotroph| organotroph|photoautotroph|photoheterotroph|photolithoautotroph|photolithotroph| photosynthetic|phototroph
relationship to oxygen CV
aerobe|anaerobe|facultative|microaerophilic|microanaerobe|obligate aerobe| obligate anaerobe
taxa ID CV
16S rRNA gene|multi-marker approach|other
assembly quality CV
completeness approach CV
marker gene|reference based|other
contamination screening input CV
ref db|kmer|coverage|combination
decontamination software CV
sorting technology CV
flow cytometric cell sorting|microfluidics|lazer-tweezing|optical manipulation| micromanipulation|other
single cell lysis approach CV
WGA amplication approach CV
pcr based|mda based
binning parameters CV
homology search|kmer|coverage|codon usage|combination
binning software CV
MAG coverage software CV
aerospace structure CV
architectural structure CV
biological status CV
wild|natural|semi-natural|inbred line|breeder's line|hybrid|clonal selection|mutant
building occupancy type CV
office|market|restaurant|residence|school|residential|commercial|low rise| high rise|wood framed|office|health care|school|airport|sports complex
building setting CV
built structure setting CV
ceiling condition CV
new|visible wear|needs repair|damaged|rupture
ceiling finish material CV
drywall|mineral fibre|tiles|PVC|plasterboard|metal|fiberglass|stucco| mineral wool/calcium silicate|wood
ceiling signs of water/mold CV
presence of mold visible|no presence of mold visible
ceiling structure CV
wood frame|concrete
ceiling texture CV
crows feet|crows-foot stomp|double skip|hawk and trowel|knockdown|popcorn| orange peel|rosebud stomp|Santa-Fe texture|skip trowel|smooth|stomp knockdown|swirl
ceiling type CV
current land use CV
cities|farmstead|industrial areas|roads/railroads|rock|sand|gravel|mudflats| salt flats|badlands|permanent snow or ice|saline seeps|mines/quarries|oil waste areas |small grains|row crops|vegetable crops|horticultural plants (e.g. tulips)|marshlands (grass,sedges,rushes)|tundra (mosses,lichens)|rangeland|pastureland (grasslands used for livestock grazing)|hayland|meadows (grasses,alfalfa,fescue,bromegrass,timothy)|shrub land (e.g. mesquite,sage-brush,creosote bush,shrub, oak,eucalyptus)|successional shrub land (tree saplings,hazels,sumacs,chokecherry,shrub dogwoods,blackberries)|shrub crops (blueberries,nursery ornamentals,filberts)|vine crops (grapes)|conifers (e.g. pine,spruce,fir,cypress)| hardwoods (e.g. oak,hickory,elm,aspen)|intermixed hardwood and conifers|tropical (e.g. mangrove,palms)|rainforest (evergreen forest receiving >406 cm annual rainfall)| swamp (permanent or semi-permanent water body dominated by woody plants)|crop trees (nuts,fruit,christmas trees,nursery trees)
depositional environment CV
Continental - Alluvial|Continental - Aeolian|Continental - Fluvial| Continental - Lacustrine|Transitional - Deltaic|Transitional - Tidal| Transitional - Lagoonal|Transitional - Beach|Transitional - Lake|Marine - Shallow| Marine - Deep|Marine - Reef|Other - Evaporite|Other - Glacial|Other - Volcanic|other
design, construction, and operation documents CV
building information model|commissioning report|complaint logs|contract administration| cost estimate|janitorial schedules or logs|maintenance plans|schedule|sections| shop drawings|submittals|ventilation system|windows
dominant hand CV
door condition CV
damaged|needs repair|new|rupture|visible wear
door direction of opening CV
door location CV
door material CV
aluminum|cellular PVC|engineered plastic|fiberboard|fiberglass|metal| thermoplastic alloy|vinyl|wood|wood/plastic composite
door movement CV
collapsible|folding|revolving|rolling shutter|sliding|swinging
door signs of water/mold CV
presence of mold visible|no presence of mold visible
door type CV
door type, composite CV
metal covered|revolving|sliding|telescopic
door type, metal CV
collapsible|corrugated steel|hollow|rolling shutters|steel plate
door type, wood CV
bettened and ledged|battened|ledged and braced|battened|ledged and framed|battened| ledged, braced and frame|framed and paneled|glashed or sash|flush|louvered|wire gauged
drainage classification CV
very poorly|poorly|somewhat poorly|moderately well|well|excessively drained
drawings CV
operation|as built|construction|bid|design|building navigation map|diagram|sketch
filter type CV
particulate air filter|chemical air filter|low-MERV pleated media|HEPA|electrostatic |gas-phase or ultraviolet air treatments.
fireplace type CV
gas burning|wood burning
floor condition CV
new|visible wear|needs repair|damaged|rupture
floor finish material CV
tile|wood strip or parquet|carpet|rug|laminate wood|lineoleum|vinyl composition tile| sheet vinyl|stone|bamboo|cork|terrazo|concrete|none;specify unfinished|sealed|clear finish| paint
floor signs of water/mold CV
mold odor|wet floor|water stains|wall discoloration|floor discoloration| ceiling discoloration|peeling paint or wallpaper|bulging walls|condensation
floor structure CV
balcony|floating floor|glass floor|raised floor|sprung floor|wood-framed|concrete
furniture CV
gender of restroom CV
growth habit CV
growth media CV
handidness CV
ambidexterity|left handedness|mixed-handedness|right handedness
heating and cooling system type CV
radiant system|heat pump|forced air system|steam forced heat|wood stove
heating delivery locations CV
heating system delivery method CV
history/tillage CV
drill|cutting disc|ridge till|strip tillage|zonal tillage|chisel|tined|mouldboard| disc plough
horizon CV
O horizon|A horizon|E horizon|B horizon|C horizon|R layer|Permafrost
host sex CV
male|female|neuter|hermaphrodite|not determined
hydrocarbon resource geological age CV
Archean|Cambrian|Carboniferous|Cenozoic|Cretaceous|Devonian|Jurassic|Mesozoic|Neogene| Ordovician|Paleogene|Paleozoic|Permian|Precambrian|Proterozoic|Silurian|Triassic|other
hydrocarbon resource type CV
Oil Reservoir|Gas Reservoir|Oil Sand|Coalbed|Shale|Tight Oil Reservoir| Tight Gas Reservoir|other
hydrocarbon type produced CV
Oil|Gas-Condensate|Gas|Bitumen|Coalbed Methane|other
indoor space CV
bedroom|office|bathroom|foyer|kitchen|locker room|hallway|elevator
indoor surface CV
counter top|window|wall|cabinet|ceiling|door|shelving|vent cover
interior wall condition CV
new|visible wear|needs repair|damaged|rupture
light type CV
natural light|electric light|desk lamp|flourescent lights|natural light|none
lithology CV
Basement|Chalk|Chert|Coal|Conglomerate|Diatomite|Dolomite|Limestone|Sandstone|Shale| Siltstone|Volcanic|other
mechanical structure CV
occupancy documentation CV
automated count|estimate|manual count|videos
organism count CV
orientations of exterior wall CV
orientations of exterior window CV
oxygenation status of sample CV
plant sex CV
Androdioecious|Androecious|Androgynous|Androgynomonoecious|Andromonoecious|Bisexual| Dichogamous|Diclinous|Dioecious|Gynodioecious|Gynoecious|Gynomonoecious|Hermaphroditic|Imperfect| Monoclinous|Monoecious|Perfect|Polygamodioecious|Polygamomonoecious|Polygamous|Protandrous| Protogynous|Subandroecious|Subdioecious|Subgynoecious|Synoecious|Trimonoecious| Trioecious|Unisexual
presence of pets, animals, or insects CV
profile position CV
quadrant position CV
North side|West side|South side|East side
relative sampling location CV
edge of car|center of car|under a seat
room condition CV
new|visible wear|needs repair|damaged|rupture|visible signs of mold/mildew
room location in building CV
corner room|interior room|exterior wall
room sampling position CV
north corner|south corner|west corner|east corner|northeast corner| northwest corner|southeast corner|southwest corner|center
room type CV
attic|bathroom|closet|conference room|elevator|examining room|hallway|kitchen| mail room|private office|open office|stairwell|,restroom|lobby|vestibule| mechanical or electrical room|data center|laboratory_wet|laboratory_dry| gymnasium|natatorium|auditorium|lockers|cafe|warehouse
rooms connected by a doorway CV
attic|bathroom|closet|conference room|elevator|examining room|hallway|kitchen| mail room|office|stairwell
sample capture status CV
active surveillance in response to an outbreak| active surveillance not initiated by an outbreak| farm sample|market sample|other
sample collection point CV
well|test well|drilling rig|wellhead|separator|storage tank|other
sample measured depth CV
sample subtype CV
oil phase|water phase|biofilm|not applicable|other
sample type CV
core|rock trimmings|drill cuttings|piping section|coupon|pigging debris|solid deposit| produced fluid|produced water|injected water|water from treatment plant|fresh water| sea water|drilling fluid|procedural blank|positive control|negative control|other
sampling day weather CV
clear sky|cloudy|foggy|hail|rain|snow|sleet|sunny|windy
sampling floor CV
lobby|basement|1st floor|2nd floor|{integer} floor
season CV
seasonal use CV
secondary and tertiary recovery methods CV
Water Injection|Dump Flood|Gas Injection|Wag Immiscible Injection|Polymer Addition| Surfactant Addition|Not Applicable|other
sediment type CV
shading device condition CV
damaged|needs repair|new|rupture|visible wear
shading device location CV
shading device signs of water/mold CV
presence of mold visible|no presence of mold visible
shading device type CV
bahama shutters|exterior roll blind|gambrel awning|hood awning| porchroller awning|sarasota shutters|slatted aluminum|solid aluminum awning| sun scren|tree|trellis|venetian awning
soil_taxonomic/FAO classification CV
source rock depositional environment CV
- source rock geological age CV Archean|Cambrian|Carboniferous|Cenozoic|Cretaceous|Devonian|Jurassic|Mesozoic|Neogene|Ordovician|Paleogene|Paleozoic|Permian|Precambrian|Proterozoic|Silurian|Triassic|other
source rock kerogen type CV
Type I|Type II|Type III|Type IV|other
source rock lithology CV
- space typical state CV typical occupied|typically unoccupied
special diet CV
low carb|reduced calorie|vegetarian|other(to be specified)
- specifications CV operation|as built|construction|bid|design|photos
substructure type CV
crawlspace|slab on grade|basement
surface material CV
concrete|wood|stone|tile|plastic|glass|vinyl|metal|carpet|stainless steel|paint|cinder blocks|hay bales|stucco|adobe
surface-air contaminant CV
dust|organic matter|particulate matter|volatile organic compounds|biological contaminants|radon|nutrients|biocides
tidal stage CV
train line CV
train station collection location CV
south station above ground|south station underground|south station amtrak|forest hills|riverside
train stop collection location CV
urine/collection method CV
clean catch|catheter
visual media CV
photos|videos|commonly of the building|site context (adjacent buildings, vegetation, terrain, streets)|interiors|equipment|3D scans
wall construction type CV
frame construction|joisted masonry|light noncombustible|masonry noncombustible|modified fire resistive|fire resistive
wall finish material CV
plaster|gypsum plaster|veneer plaster|gypsum board|tile|terrazzo|stone facing|acoustical treatment|wood|metal|masonry|
wall location CV
wall signs of water/mold CV
presence of mold visible|no presence of mold visible
wall surface treatment CV
painted|wall paper|no treatment|paneling|stucco|fabric
wall texture CV
crows feet|crows-foot stomp||double skip|hawk and trowel|knockdown|popcorn|orange peel|rosebud stomp|Santa-Fe texture|skip trowel|smooth|stomp knockdown|swirl
water feature type CV
fountain|pool|standing feature|stream|waterfall
weekday CV
window condition CV
damaged|needs repair|new|rupture|visible wear
window covering CV
window horizontal position CV
window location CV
window material CV
window signs of water/mold CV
presence of mold visible|no presence of mold visible
window status CV
window type CV
single-hung sash window|horizontal sash window|fixed window
window vertical position CV