Step 1: Prerequisites
Step 2: Launch an instance
Step 3: Connect to your instance
Step 4: Clean up your instance
Tutorail: AWS EC2: Create EC2 Instance (Linux)
2.1. On the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) page, search for cfCloud AMI.
2.2. Check the Root device type listed for each AMI. Notice which AMIs are the type that you need,
either ebs (backed by Amazon EBS) or instance-store (backed by instance store).
2.3. Check the Virtualization type listed for each AMI. Notice which AMIs are the type that you need,
either hvm or paravirtual.
2.4. Choose an AMI that meets your needs, and then choose Select.
Tutorial: AWS EC2: Connect to Linux Instance using SSH
# Example SSH:
ssh -i "cf_Cloud.pem" ubuntu@
conda info --envs
conda activate cfcloud
- Bowtie2 Reference Genome
Can be downloaded from Illumina iGenomes
# e.g. hg19:
cd ~/cfCloud/resources
tar -xzf Homo_sapiens_UCSC_hg19.tar.gz