The objective of this project was to forecast monthly champagne sales for Perrin Freres using time series analysis techniques. The sales data was obtained from the Kaggle dataset: Perrin Freres Monthly Champagne Sales.
- Loaded the dataset using Pandas.
- Renamed columns for clarity.
- Converted the 'Month' column to datetime format and set it as the index.
- Removed the last two rows(Had missing values) for consistency.
- Conducted the Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test to test for stationarity.
- Found that the data was non-stationary, indicating the presence of a unit root.
- Applied differencing to make the data stationary.
- Checked for stationarity again using the ADF test, confirming stationarity.
- Plotted autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions to determine AR model parameters.
- Implemented ARIMA model with order (1,1,1) for forecasting.
- OBSERVATION: Data was originally seasonal(non-stationary), even after converting it to stationary, the forecasting is poor as illustrated in the above graph.