The Social Media Content Analyzer is a web application that enables users to upload PDFs and image files (JPG, PNG, JPEG) for text extraction. The application uses Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology for images and PDF parsing for documents.
File Upload:
- Drag-and-drop or click to upload PDF or image files (JPG, PNG, JPEG).
Text Extraction:
- PDFs: Extracts text content while preserving basic formatting.
- Images: Uses Tesseract.js to convert text from images through OCR.
User Interface:
- Simple and intuitive interface to upload files.
- Displays the extracted text from the uploaded file.
- Option to clear the selected file and reset the extracted text.
- React with Vite for fast build and development.
- React-Dropzone for file upload.
- Axios for making HTTP requests to the backend server.
- Node.js with Express.js for handling requests.
- Multer for managing file uploads.
- PDF-Parse for parsing text from PDFs.
- Tesseract.js for OCR to extract text from images.
- git clone
- cd projectDirectory
- cd backend
- npm install
- node index.js
- cd frontend
- npm install
- npm run dev