CensGMR verion: 1.0
Authors: Ganzhong Tian gavin.tian@emory.edu; Benjamin Risk benjamin.risk@emory.edu
This project is an extension of the Gaussian Mixture Regression (GMR) model to handel censored multivariate responses.
The MixCenMVReg_EM.R is an EM algorithm implementation of the Censored GMR model with multivariate responses, whereas MixCenUVReg_EM.R is a univariate response Version.
The dependent R packages are listed as below:
- matrixStats # dependent for MixCenMVReg_EM.R & MixCenUVReg_EM.R
- condMVNorm # dependent for MixCenMVReg_EM.R
- MomTrunc # dependent for MixCenMVReg_EM.R
- truncnorm # dependent for MixCenUVReg_EM.R
Please see the jupyter-notebook Example.ipynb for instructions on how to use this software.