Programming Questions
- K’th Non-repeating Character :
Given a text file, read the text file and for each word present in the text file find the k-th Non-repeating character. Then construct a dataframe containing the word, character, and k value and save it as an excel file.
Example :
Given a string and a number k, find the k-th non-repeating character in the string. If it doesn’t exist fill it with #
Input : str = “Automated Feature Engineering in Python”, k = 3
Output : Excel
Vowel Count :
Given a text file, read the text file and for each word present in the text file find the count of vowels (a,e,i,o,u) and consonant count. Construct a Dataframe and save it as an excel file.
Example :
Input : str = “Automated Feature Engineering in Python”
Output : Dataframe