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Optimal Formik

A formik alternative that optimizes for performance.


npm install optimal-formik


import {
} from "optimal-formik";
import { z } from "zod";

const validationSchema = z.object({
  name: z.string().min(3),
  age: z.number().min(18),
  friends: z.array(
      name: z.string().min(3),
      age: z.number().min(18).optional(),

const formValidator = new ZodValidator(validationSchema);

type Data = z.infer<typeof validationSchema>;

const initialValues: Data = {
  name: "John",
  age: 30,
  friends: [
      name: "Jane",
      name: "Bob",

function App() {
  return (
        onSubmit={(data) => {
        <Input name="name" label="Name" />
        <Input type="number" name="age" label="Age" />
        <IterableField<Data["friends"]> name="friends" label="Friends">
          {({ push, remove, modify, setValue }) => (
                {(path, key) => (
                    <Input name={path.concat("name")} label="Name" />
                    <button onClick={() => remove(path)}>Remove</button>
                onClick={() =>
                    name: "",
                    age: undefined,
                Add Friend
              <button onClick={() => setValue(initialValues.friends)}>

export default App;

Components and helpers

<OptimalFormik> (form root)


Prop Type Description
formID (required) string Unique ID of the form.
initialValues (required) Record<string, any> Initial values of the form.
onSubmit (required) (data: Record<string, any>) => void function that is executed when the submit button is pressed
validator Validator Can be ZodValidator, YupValidator or a custom child of Validator
preventSubmitOnEnter boolean Prevent submit on Enter pressed
className string ...

Primary components (with Label and ErrorMessage)

Every element with Label has these props available:

Prop Type Description
name (required) string | Path Path to the field
label (required) string | React.JSX.Element Label of the field
hideLabel boolean Hides the fields label
containerClass string Class name of input's container
labelClass string Class name of input's label
errorClass string Class name of ErrorMessage



Prop Type Description
Common props ... See in the start of this section
Element props HTMLInputProps ...



Prop Type Description
Common props ... See in the start of this section
Element props HTMLSelectProps ...



Prop Type Description
Common props ... See in the start of this section
Element props HTMLTextAreaProps ...



hideLabel is not available here

Prop Type Description
Common props ... See in the start of this section
Element props HTMLInputElement ...



Prop Type Description
Common props ... See in the start of this section
children (required) (...helpers: ...) => React.JSX.Element The children is a function providing useful functions helpers to manipulate array and objects.
Element props HTMLDivProps ...
Children Helpers

Where E is an element of A, A is the iterable itself, and Path is a class for strict path management.

Updater<A> is a callback like this (value: A) => void. This provides flexibility, but if you need to overwrite the hole object you need to use setValue.

  /** Push new item to array */
  push(value: E): void;
  /** Insert new item to object */
  insert(key: string, value: E): void;
  /** Remove item from array or object */
  remove(path: Path<A>): void;
  /** Modify object or array */
  modify(updater: Updater<A>): void;
  /** Set value of object or array */
  setValue(value: A): void;

Primary components


This component don't have Label and ErrorMessage but alway is a child of IterableField. This component works like


Prop Type Description
as (default: div) keyof React.JSX.IntrinsicElements Tag name of this component
className string Class of this component
children (required) (path: Path<E>, key: string | number) => React.JSX.Element The children is a function providing the path of the array or object and the key. The key can be the index of the array or key of the object.


Use this component to fire onSubmit form callback.

Props: HTMLButtonElementProps

Complementary components

Useful to make your own OptimalFormik components


Label with ErrorMessage


Prop Type Description
name (required) string | Path Path to the field
children (required) string | React.JSX.Element Label of the field
hideLabel boolean Hides the fields label
... HTMLLabelProps ...


Show an error if exist


Prop Type Description
name (required) string | Path Path to the field
Element props HTMLDivProps ...


Returns null if no errors were detected embed in the field, else returns the div element. Useful to show if there are errors in hidden sub-fields.


Prop Type Description
name (required) string | Path Path to the field
Element props HTMLDivProps ...



class Path {
  constructor(key: string | number, path = "") {}

  concat(key: string | number): Path;

  toString(): string;

Validator (abstract class)

Useful if you don't use yup or zod as validation schema.

Obs: In both cases value will be the form current data

type ValidationResult =
  | {
      success: true;
  | {
      success: false;
      errors: {
        path?: (string | number)[];
        message: string;

abstract class Validator {
  constructor(protected schema: any) {}

  abstract validate(value: unknown): Promise<ValidationResult>;

  abstract validateAt(path: string, value: unknown): ValidationResult;


class CustomValidator extends Validator {
  constructor(protected schema) {
    // ...

  async validate(value: unknown) {
    // return the validation result

  async validateAt(path: string, value: unknown) {
    // return the validation result

React Context

  • If you want to get FormID without useFormID or useForm, you can use OptimalFormikContext.
  • If you want to get the current path generated by IterableField you can use PathContext.



Retrieves the current form ID from the OptimalFormikContext. This ID is defined in the parent OptimalFormik and is used to identify the form.


type FormConfig<T extends AnyObject> = {
  formID: string;
  initialValues: T;
  onSubmit(values: T): void;
  validator?: Validator;
  preventSubmitOnEnter?: boolean;

type FormBasicData<T> = {
  data: T;
  touched: Record<string, boolean | undefined>;
  errors: Record<string, string | undefined>;
  isValidating?: boolean;
  isSubmitting?: boolean;

type Form<T extends AnyObject> = FormBasicData<T> & {
  config: FormConfig<T>;
  updateForm(updater: Updater<FormBasicData<T>>): void;


type MyForm = {
  title: string
  description: string
  counters: {
    counter1: number
    counter2: number

const updateForm = useForm((s: Form<MyForm>) => s.updateForm)
const { data, error, touched } = useForm((s: Form<MyForm>) => ({
  error: s.errors['counters.counter1']
  touched: s.touched['counters.counter1']


Like useField from Formik.

// you can import this
enum FieldDataType {
  STRING = "string",
  NUMBER = "number",
  BOOLEAN = "boolean",

type InputProps<T> = {
  value: T | undefined;
  checked: T | undefined;
  onChange: ChangeEventHandler<
    HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement | HTMLSelectElement
  onBlur: FocusEventHandler;

type Meta<T> = {
  data: T;
  error: string | undefined;
  touched: boolean | undefined;
  initialValue: T | null;

type Helpers<T> = {
  setValue: (value: T) => void;
  setError: (error: string | undefined) => void;
  setTouched: (touched: boolean) => void;
  validate: () => void;

// T is the type of the data and F the type of the form
type useField<T, F> = (
  path: Path<F> | string,
  type?: FieldDataType
) => [InputProps<T>, Meta<T>, Helpers<T>];


type useFieldErrorData = (path: Path<AnyObject> | string) => {
  error?: string;
  touched?: boolean;


Returns true if some error is inside the selected path.

type useEmbedErrorsCheck = (path: Path<AnyObject> | string) => boolean;