Depricated Python bot for the Build With Us discord server. It sucks btw.
Setting up your own BWUBot instance
pip install
pip install discord-py-interactions
pip install pytz
pip install python-dateutil
pip install python-dotenv
pip install pynput
pip install pywin32
(Run these commands from your terminal)
BWU_DISCORD_TOKEN = [Bot's token goes here]
DISCORD_GUILD= [Your server's name goes here]
DISCORD_COMMANDS_CHANNEL = [The commands channel ID goes here]
MOD_ROLE_ID= [The ID of the Mod role in your server goes here]
CREATOR_ID = [Your own ID goes here (gives you protection within kill system)]
BWU_BOTDATA_PATH = [The FULL path of your "botdata.json" file goes here. Format: C:/Users/.../botdata.json]
URL Generator permissions:
Use the generated URL (at the bottom of the pag) to invite the bot into your server.
+help: Take a guess.
+on?: Sends a message if the bot is on, along with time since it connected to the server
Aliases: +status, +a?
+tips: Sends a random anxiety tip, @V0C4L01D's idea
+someone [message]: Pings a random person in the server with the message.
Requires MOD rank (set in the .env.)
+rickroll [message including user mention(s)]: Sends a rickroll in a DM to mentioned user(s)
+insult [/noun/custom/adj]: Sends a random insult, chooses from a specific list if specified.
+tz: Sends a link to a list of all valid timezones. Link:
+tz set : Sets your timezone, Case-Sensitive
+tz get <User mention(s)>: Gets a user current time. Requires both you and the user to have registered your timezones.
+kill [message including user mention(s)]: Kills the mentioned user(s) if they are alive.
Aliases: +liquidate, +destroy, +stab, +attack, +shoot, +assassinate
+revive [message including user mention(s)]: Revives the mentioned user(s) if they are dead.
+terrorism: Randomly kills 0-12 server members.
Aliases: +bomb
+dead: Sends a list of all dead members.
+alive: Sends a list of all alive members.
+alive? [Message including a user(s) mention]: Sends a list of all members mentioned, checking if they are alive.
Aliases: +isAlive