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Your Place, Our Space!!

Live demo 📺


Main Problem 🚫

Freelancers and workers in Gaza seek to find suitable workspace for them in a specific time and good price with additional services that will help them to accomplish their work, like good Internet connection and electricity.

Problem Solution 💡

Create an application that helps workers and freelancers to find a workspace that suits their needs according to the name, location, number of people, and the date. and allows them to book the most suitable one.

User Journey 🚀

  • As a user, I can search for a workspace by entering the name, with the ability to specify the location, and the datetime to get the desired search results that I need. Also, I can see the top-rated workspaces. I can open the profile of any workspace to see all information about it. I can add my rate to the workspace to help other freelancers.And I can book any workspace, specify number of attendants and the date and time.

  • As an admin , I can add workspaces information to the website, can edit a workspace information, and delete the workspace.

User Stories 📝

As a user(Booker)

  • I can sign up and login with my google account to the site.
  • I can search for a workspace depending on the workspace name, location, and number of people.
  • I can see the top rated workspaces.
  • I can see the newest workspaces.
  • I can see inside each workspace card (Image, name, price, location, city, rate, booking button).
  • I can see the workspace details when I click on the card, such as (Cover Image, Photos, Name, Overview, Price, Location, Rate, Member Access hours, Amenities " Wifi, Desks, Kitchen, Free drinking water or coffee").
  • I can see a booking button in workspace details page.
  • I can book the workspace for a day or many days at specific time and no. of people.
  • I can rate for any workspace.
  • I can see my profile and edit my information.
  • I can see workspaces which I booked at my profile and cancel booking.

As an admin

  • I can see all workspaces.
  • I can add a new workspace for the site with details like (Cover Image, Photos, Name, Overview, Price, Location, Rate, Member Access hours, Amenities "WIFI, Desks, Kitchen, Free drinking water or coffee").
  • I can edit a workspace details or delete it.

Prototype 🎨

View Prototype


DATABASE Schema 🗄️


guide installation 📥

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Navigate to the cloned repo.
  3. Open it in your Editor.
  4. run npm i to install all dependencies & dev-dependencies.
  5. create .env file and add
  1. Run the Project using npm start

Stretch Goals ☄️

  • Payment.
  • Reminder.
  • Adding map feature for location.
  • Add workspaceOwner user.

Technologies 💻

  • React js
  • Firebase
  • oauth2
  • FireStore
  • Ant Design
  • Moment js

Lead Mentor 🍰

  • Lina Jamal

Team Members 👩‍💻

  • Alaa Sahloub
  • Israa Al Jamal
  • Sondos Alalami

Resource 🌐