Course link: CS50x
Week 0 - Scratch
[Basic of programming]
- Problem set
Week 1 - C
[Basic of C (Operators, Conditional Statements, Loops), Greedy Algorithm]
- Lab
- Problem set
Week 2 - Arrays
[Arrays, Cryptography, Encryption]
- Lab
- Problem set
Week 3 - Algorithms
[Algorithms (Linear Search, Binary Search, Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Merge Sort), Recursion, Graph Theory Basics]
Week 4 - Memory
[Pointers, Dynamic Memory Allocation, Call Stack, Image filters, File manipulation & Data Recovery]
- Lab
- Problem set
Week 5 - Data Structures
[Data Structures, Linked list, Hash tables, Trees]
- Lab
- Problem set
- Speller 🔥
Week 6 - Python
[Basic of Python, Algorithms, File]
- Lab
- Problem set
Week 7 - SQL
[Data processing, Relational Dadabase]
- Lab
- Problem set
Week 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
[Protocols (TCP/IP, IP, TCP, DNS), HTTP]
Week 9 - Flask
[Python Flask, Database, IEX Cloud API]
Final Project