All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added module mcbef for handling plume rise/fire related functionality.
- Added cubed-sphere binning capability
- pm class to - with some additional comments
- G2GAOP can now take a string as the config file variable input
- add a function to sampler that can append a vertical coordinate to a sampled dataset
- example Jupyter notebooks on using pyobs utilities to sample GEOS and compare to CALIPSO and DC-8 obs
- Added combustion module.
- Updated README to document lite_install
- Update
to match that of AeroApps- Mainly for newer ESMA_env that allows building on RHEL8 GMAO machines (e.g., calculon)
- Use postfix-@ for subrepos to match AeroApps
- Allow ability to not build f2py code for CI purposes
- import of IGBP_ in
- missing conversion from the sulfate ion to ammonium sulfate
- getAOPrt phase function now being correctly normalized by total scattering
- - protect against divide by zero in getAOPrt and getAOPext when doing calculation for an individual species
- - remove dependency on having 'DU' as a species in your yaml optics table definition
- - took out extinction from list of variables. L1.5 files don't have this
- - use variable attributes to mask missing data, read the altitude coordinate from metadata
- - fix typo in units of gravity and calipso_l2 scripts
- Module waypoint to handle waypoint files for flight modules
- Module sampler, in pure python, including both station and
- Module mietable for handling GEOSmie tables
- Module aop, first draft of a replacement to the old aod_calculator
- pyobs init method no longer loads submodules by default
- stn_sample command line utility rewritten in terms of the new sampler module
- trj_sample command line utility rewritten in terms of the new
sampler module
- module icartt extebded with to_xarray() method.
- wavelength bug fix (nm to m unit conversion)
- Modernized by making use of xarray and cartopy map transforms.
- fixed granules search in to use updates to VIIRS path logic
- added a DB_DEEP retrieval. splits up land retrievals into the 2 pathways - one that uses the 412 surface channel and one that does not
- converted to py3
- mxd04 and vx04 will write out gridded angstrom exponent if available
- mxd04 Level3 gridded product writes out the number of observations that went into the grid cell
- function to create a concatenated of all the seperate cruises
- reading date/time variables from MAN concatenated file needs to be unicode not byte
- removed all instances of using the 'types' module in pyobs
- add interpolated 490 AOD to lines up with VIIRS wavelengths
- subroutine binObsCnt3D to binObs_py to counts obs in NNR L3 files
- VIIRS reader
- mxd04.writeods now writes a 'post_anal' file. this saves the original retrieved AOD in the ods files
- bug in integer divide needs // in python3
- bug in Config call not updated when going to python3
- Added changelog enforcer and yaml linter
- Initial release
- Constructing GMAOpyobs from bits and pieces of GMAO_Shared/GMAO_pyobs