Skill: JavaScript '#1'
Reason for Learning: I want to become proficient in frontend development.
Skill: Python
Reason for Learning: versatility, ease of use, and large community support.
Skill: C Programming Language
Reason for Learning: To become a better programmer in any field of computer science.
Skill: python
Reason for Learning: I would like to keep my options open to the various possibilities Python brings such as, web development, AI, and ML.
Skill: Python
Reason for Learning: I want to become a programmer as well as a good developer.
#N Madhvesh
skill: C++
Resources -Basic Intorduction
Reason for learning: I want to become game developer.
Skill: CSS
Reason for Learning: Learning CSS allows you to comprehend the essential building blocks of the web. This knowledge can benefit various professions, including marketing, design, and more.
Reason for Learning: I want to become proficient in frontend development.