Yonggan Fu, Zhongzhi Yu, Junwei Li, Jiayi Qian, Yongan Zhang, Xiangchi Yuan, Dachuan Shi, Roman Yakunin, and Yingyan (Celine) Lin
Accepted at NeurIPS 2024 [Paper | Slide].
- How to Train Once and Derive Many Efficient LLMs? We introduce AmoebaLLM, a novel framework designed to instantly derive LLM subnets of arbitrary shapes, which achieve the accuracy-efficiency frontier and can be extracted after merely a one-time fine-tuning. In this way, AmoebaLLM facilitates rapid deployment tailored to different platforms and application-driven specifications. Specifically, AmoebaLLM achieves this goal by strategically extracting high-performing subnets and training them jointly to avoid conflicts.
- Experimental Results: AmoebaLLM not only sets new standards in LLM adaptability but also successfully delivers subnets that achieve SOTA trade-offs between accuracy and efficiency.
Use conda to setup the environment based on the provided env.yml
conda env create -f env.yml
- Step 1: Derive layer selection strategy using dynamic programing:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --model_name_or_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --fp16 --output_dir ./output/calib_dp --do_train False --do_eval False --no_eval_orig --layer_calib_dp --calib_dataset mmlu --enable_shrinking --num_calib_sample 40 --calib_metric acc --min_num_layer 20 --dp_keep_last_layer 1
- Step 2: Derive neuron (width) selection strategy using the importance metric in FLAP:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --model_name_or_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --fp16 --output_dir ./output/width_calib --do_train False --do_eval False --use_auth_token --no_eval_orig --width_calib --num_calib_sample 512 --prune_width_method flap
- Step 3: Merge the layer and neuron selection strategy into the same file
(we have also provided this file for LLaMA2-7B in the repo):
python utils/merge_depth_width.py
- Enable one-for-all fine-tuning using
--do_train True
, and specify the subset selection strategy provided by Stage 1 with--shrinking_file dp_selection_strategy.npy
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --model_name_or_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --output_dir ./output/ft --dataset alpaca-gpt4 --use_auth_token --do_train True --do_eval True --do_mmlu_eval True --do_eval_wikitext2 True --lora_modules all --fp16 --source_max_len 384 --target_max_len 128 --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 --logging_steps 10 --max_steps 10000 --save_strategy steps --data_seed 42 --save_steps 1000 --save_total_limit 1 --evaluation_strategy steps --eval_dataset_size 1024 --max_eval_samples 1000 --eval_steps 1000 --optim paged_adamw_32bit --ddp_find_unused_parameters --enable_shrinking --kd_weight 1 --min_num_layer 20 --random_sample_num_layer 2 --distill_method sp --shrinking_method calib_dp --shrinking_file dp_selection_strategy.npy --shrinkable_width --width_choice [1,7/8,3/4,5/8] --prune_width_method flap --use_moe_lora --moe_num_expert 5 --moe_topk 2
- In addition to your fine-tuned model created using the two-stage process described above, we have also provided our AmoebaLLM fine-tuned LLaMA2-7B model,
, here. You can download and unzip it using the following command:
pip install gdown
gdown 1lwOiQa-UOYOXn72wo5gvzUvFat_PTg6b
unzip amoeba_llama2.zip
- Specify
as the path to the fine-tuned model and specify the target depth and width ratios using--eval_num_layer
, respectively:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python main.py --model_name_or_path meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf --output_dir amoeba_llama2 --do_train False --do_eval True --do_mmlu_eval True --bits 8 --bf16 --enable_shrinking --min_num_layer 20 --shrinking_method calib_dp --shrinking_file dp_selection_strategy.npy --shrinkable_width --width_choice [1,7/8,3/4,5/8] --prune_width_method flap --use_moe_lora --moe_num_expert 5 --moe_topk 2 --eval_num_layer 24 --eval_num_width 0.875 --do_lm_eval True --do_lm_eval_task arc_easy,piqa,hellaswag
We refer to the implementations in qlora.
title={AmoebaLLM: Constructing Any-Shape Large Language Models for Efficient and Instant Deployment},
author={Fu, Yonggan and Yu, Zhongzhi and Li, Junwei and Qian, Jiayi and Zhang, Yongan and Yuan, Xiangchi and Shi, Dachuan and Yakunin, Roman and Lin, Yingyan Celine},
booktitle={The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems}