This repo contains all projects of 100DaysOfSwiftUI challenge by Paul Hudson aka twostraws (Currently in progress :))
The following projects are something which have more of a learning when you use them in live projects.
- Project 6: Animations
- Project 11: BookWorm for coredata
- Project 12: CoreDataProject for coredata
This app calculates the total per person on bill amount with selected tip percentage among a group of people.
This is a simple game in which user has to choose the correct flag of the country.
We also learned different gradient types -
This is just a simple project where we learn about modifiers and the basic functioning of some View
This app uses CoreML to predict the sleep time based on the user's wakeup time, sleep goal and coffee he/she drinks.
This is a simple game in which player has to guess the words with same letters.
We also learned different list styles
DefaultListStyle | GroupedListStyle |
In this project we learned a lot of different and easy ways of adding animations using swiftUI.
This is a basic expense tracker app in which we use UserDefaults to store the expenses.
This is a simple navigationView integrated app which show data about moon missions.
This is a project that tells us about path. Project under construction
In this app we learned about published and codable. This app allows user to book cupcakes.
This is a project to track books user read. We also learned about @Binding who it can change the @State also and have a code for Size Class Demo using @Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var sizeClass
. If we have View A that contains inside it View B, anything in the environment for View A will also be in the environment for View B (Only in case of NavigationView). We also learned how to add that list edit functionality.
In this app we learned \.self
uses hasable to uniquely identify the values. This app teaches deeper coredata knowledge than the last project. This is more of a code wise project than the UI part.
In this app we learned about CoreImage
and other image related stuff. This app can apply different filters to a selected image from image picker and save it in photos.
This app adds map pins to desired locations with some description and wiki search. We have also used face-id to secure it.
If you are having trouble with this project or if you find any bugs, do open a new issue and describe the problem. Alternatively, you can drop me a mail @ Spread the word!
Paul Hudson aka twostraws