Visualization of tissue-specific functional gene networks
GIANT allows prediction and visualization of gene networks that capture tissue-specific functional interactions.
This module is a connector to GIANT, which enables (i) visualizing gene networks using the BioJS snippet server, and (ii) embedding network graphs in other websites using simple API calls.
Installing from GitHub
git clone
cd giant-api-biojs
npm install
npm run build
npm run w
You can now visit http://localhost:9090/examples
on your browser to experiment with demos.
Using NPM
To install as a Node dependency:
npm install giant-api-biojs
Then, in JavaScript:
var giant = require('giant-api-biojs');
giant.graphBasic({el: myDiv, tissue: 'Osteoblast', genes: 'LEF1'});
This will display the requested gene network in a DIV identified by id='myDiv'
Please visit
- Greene CS^, Krishnan A^, Wong AK^, Ricciotti E, Zelaya RA, Himmelstein DS, Zhang R, Hartmann BM, Zaslavsky E, Sealfon SC, Chasman DI, FitzGerald GA, Dolinski K, Grosser T, Troyanskaya OG. (2015). Understanding multicellular function and disease with human tissue-specific networks. Nature Genetics. 10.1038/ng.3259w.