Contributors: rhyswynne
Donate link:
Tags: schema
Requires at least: 5.1
Tested up to: 5.5
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: 4.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Implement Claim Review Schema on sites to allow fact-checking organisations to implement claim revew schema on their sites.
Claim Review Schema is a Schema led by an international consortium of fact checkers. It allows fact checking organisations to tag their articles in such a way that allows third parties such as Google, Facebook, Bing & Youtube to analyse and sort the fact checking data accordingly in their indexes.
This plugin was created by an independent UK Fact Checking Charity Full Fact, it allows fact checkers to quickly and easily fill in the details needed for claim review schema, and adds it onto every single article that is published.
To install the plugin, do the following.
- Visit the plugins page from your WordPress Dashboard and select "Add New".
- Search for "Full Fact - Claim Review Schema".
- Activate "Full Fact - Claim Review Schema".
- Back in the WordPress Dashboard, go to "Claim Review Schema Settings" from Settings.
- Add your Organisation Details, as well as Display Settings.
- Go to any post of the post type that you set for the Display Settings and add your Schema details.
- Once you publish the post, the schema will be published too.
- Tested with WordPress 5.5
- Fixed a bug that non latin characters couldn't be saved
- Fixed a bug that caused a warning if a post or page is visited before an option is saved.
- Tested on PHP 5.6.
- Added a "Generated By..." comment
- Removed the ID field for now.
- Added Clarifications to field descriptions in metabox
- First Version.
- Changed the wording on the Claim Author Field.
- Added the ID field.
- Fix a bug in the indexing fields.
- Fix a bug with the ratings of URL's.
- Improved Sanitization
- Added Sanitization
- Changed some Claim fields to text areas.
- Improve wording throughout the plugin.
- First Version