In this project, I analyzed pizza sales using PostgreSQL and visualized the results using Excel. I had 14 questions to answer, and I created a presentation with the results, saved as a PDF. First, I created a temporary table containing columns from the four datasets I needed for analysis. Then, I explored these columns for null values before starting to answer all 14 questions. I decided to create this project and practice my SQL skills after completing the DataCamp course called "Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL" here is the certificate:
The datasets were downloaded from Kaggle, order_details.csv
, orders.csv
, pizza_types.csv
, pizzas.csv
- Contains information about order_details_id, order_id, pizza_id and quantity ordered
- Contains information about order_id, date and time when the order was made
- Contains information about pizza_type_id, name, category and ingredients for the pizza
- Contains information about pizza_type_id, name, category and ingredients for the pizza
- this file contains analysis of Pizza sales, it's a PostgreSQL code
- this CSV file contains a data that we needed to get by answering to question 2.What are the order details and total price for each order?
- contains results of analysis with visualizations
Data Analysis, Data Visualization(Excel), PostgreSQL, pgadmin4, presentation of a results