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Easy Google APIs

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Google APIs python library wrapepr

Python package to make Google APIs more practical and easy to use
Wraps Google's official API library most used authentication and authorization flow

Supports OAuth authentication and service accounts (directly and with domain wide delegation)


pip install -U easygoogle


To use Google APIs you'll need an credentials json file from Google Cloud Platform. To generate it, follow this steps:

  1. Ensure you have a GCP (Google Cloud Platform) Project
  2. Go to the GCP Console and select the project that you want to use on the top-left corner on the right of the title and the three dots
  3. Go to the API Library and enable the APIs you intend to use
  4. On the APIs & services Dashboard, where you should arrive, click on Credentials on the left menu
To use OAuth2 authentication:
  1. Click on the blue button Create credentials and select OAuth Client ID
  2. Select your application type, name it and click Create (if you are running utilities scripts, you probably want the Other type)
  3. Click OK on the popup, find the name you just used and click the download button at the right end of the line

Alternatively, you can use the application default credentials defined by Google Cloud SDK command gcloud auth application-default login

To use a Service Account authentication:
  1. Click on the blue button Create credentials and select Service account key
  2. Select the service account you want to use or create a new one
  • If you are going to use Domain wide Delegation, you need to ensure the service account has the role Project > Service Account Actor and is authorized to impersonate the account of the GSuite Panel you want. Follow the official documentation on how to do it.
  1. Select the keyfile type JSON
  2. Save the file


OAuth2 authentication:
user = easygoogle.oauth2(
    json_file, # Path to the JSON file
    scopes, # List of scopes identifiers
    appname='Google Client Library - Python', # Optional. Used to identify the credentials file saved
    user='', # Optional. Used to identify the credentials file saved
    app_dir='.', # Path to create subdir '.credentials' and store credentials files. Defaults to current working directory
    manualScopes=[], # Manually defined scopes for authorization. Used in Single Sign-On with servers that support OAuth authentication
    hostname='localhost', # Where to open authentication flow server
    port=None, # Which port to open authentication flow server in. Defaults to a random available port
    auth_mode=easygoogle.AUTH.BROWSER, # Select authorization flow to be used in case of missing authorized credentials.
    # Options are available on easygoogle.AUTH namespace:
    # BROWSER -> Open the authorization page on default browser
    # SILENTLY -> Shows the authorization link on stdout, but do not open browser automatically
    # CONSOLE -> Shows the authorization link on stdout, but do not open browser automatically, and asks for authorization code on stdin

# To use the application default credentials from gcloud sdk
user = easygoogle.oauth2.default()

# Build API as the authenticated user
api = user.get_api(
    apiname # API identifier
    version=None, # API version. Defaults to primary version on Google Discovery Docs


import easygoogle

# Build the easygoogle controller
account_controller = easygoogle.oauth2('oauth_secret.json', ['drive'])

# Build Drive API
drive = account_controller.get_api('drive')

# Print result from listing drive content
Service Account authentication:
service = easygoogle.service_acc(
    json_file, # Path to the JSON file
    scopes, # List of scopes identifiers,
    domainWide=False, # Set true to enable the .delegate option
    manualScopes=[] # Manually defined scopes for authorization. Used in Single Sign-On with servers that support OAuth authentication

# To use application default credentials service account
service = easygoogle.service_acc.default(
    scopes=['cloud-platform'], # List of scopes identifiers,
    domainWide=False, # Set true to enable the .delegate option
    manualScopes=[] # Manually defined scopes for authorization. Used in Single Sign-On with servers that support OAuth authentication

# Build API as the service account
api = service.get_api(
    apiname # API identifier
    version=None, # API version. Defaults to primary version on Google Discovery Docs

# Build user OAuth2 credentials with user impersonation
user = service.delegate(
    user_email # Email or alias of the impersonating user

# Build API as the impersonated user
api = user.get_api(
    apiname # API identifier
    version=None, # API version. Defaults to primary version on Google Discovery Docs


import easygoogle

service = easygoogle.service_acc('service_secret.json', ['drive'])

# Building Drive API as the service account
serviceDrive = servie.get_api('drive')

# List files on the service account individual Drive

# Acquiring credentials for user
user = service.delegate('')

# Building Drive API as the impersonated user
userDrive = user.get_api('drive')

# List files on the user individual Drive