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Releases: Friendly0Fire/GW2Radial

Version 2.3.0 Pre-release 1

19 Aug 03:33
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This update includes a large restructuring effort in various parts of the code. As a result, expect bugs!

  • Moved the Skiff to the rebranded Novelties & Masteries menu.
  • Overhauled conditional display and triggering of menu items: rather than a bunch of bespoke exceptions and workarounds, each menu item can now be extensively configured to be usable and visible in specific circumstances. This replaces previously hardcoded behaviors such as the Skimmer's underwater use or the Warclaw's WvW exception. In their stead, each item can now be configured to be visible and/or usable individually in (1) combat (2) WvW (3) on water (4) underwater.
  • Overhauled favorites. In a similar manner to the newly introduced conditionals, favorite items can now be defined for all 4 conditions, in addition to a "default" favorite. This means you can have, for instance, the Skimmer as the favorite underwater, Jackal while in combat, and then Skyscale elsewhere.
  • As hinted at by the previous changes, "on water" and "underwater" are now considered distinct.
  • Errors will now display more informative popups wherever possible.
  • Added detection and warning of Nvidia Ansel and RTSS.
  • Settings menu keybind can now be customized.

Version 2.2.1

28 Feb 16:40
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This is a quick patch with the following changes:

  • Added an animation scale slider to reduce 3D effects on the radial menu.
  • Added a clearer log message in the addon loader log file if running the addon while the game is in D3D9 mode, prompting the user to switch to D3D11.

Version 2.2.0 End of Dragon Edition

28 Feb 05:08
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Well, this is it! With, uh, checks watch less than a day to go before End of Dragons comes out, GW2Radial is jumping on the D3D11 bandwagon. Finally.

The changelog is pretty short and sweet:

  • DirectX 11 support. This involved a total rendering rewrite with benefits such as better performance, less stuttering on load and less memory usage.
    • The addon loader and d3d wrapper are now the only way to run GW2Radial. Chainloading is more complicated under DirectX 11 and it wasn't worth the trouble when the addon loader is mature.
    • DirectX 9 support has been removed. In order to keep the code clean and maintainable, it was necessary to rip the bandaid off and just drop
      DirectX 9 support. If you must stay on DirectX 9, v2.1.3 should remain functional.
    • d912pxy support has been removed. See above about removal of DirectX 9.
  • Added Skiff and Siege Turtle to mounts radial menu.
  • Fixed items in radial menu being considered bound if entirely missing from the configuration file.

Version 2.2.0 Pre-release 1

27 Feb 05:33
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Well, this is it! With, uh, checks watch about a day to go before End of Dragons comes out, GW2Radial is jumping on the D3D11 bandwagon. Finally.

The changelog is pretty short and sweet:

  • DirectX 11 support. This involved a total rendering rewrite with benefits such as better performance, less stuttering on load and less memory usage.
    • The addon loader and d3d wrapper are now the only way to run GW2Radial. Chainloading is more complicated under DirectX 11 and it wasn't worth the trouble when the addon loader is mature.
    • DirectX 9 support has been removed. In order to keep the code clean and maintainable, it was necessary to rip the bandaid off and just drop
      DirectX 9 support. If you must stay on DirectX 9, v2.1.3 should remain functional.
    • d912pxy support has been removed. See above about removal of DirectX 9.
  • Added Skiff and Siege Turtle to mounts radial menu.
  • Fixed items in radial menu being considered bound if entirely missing from the configuration file.

Version 2.1.3

04 Feb 01:55
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This is a small patch to fix two issues:

  • "No such file or directory" error when the addon's configuration attempts to save to disk.
  • Addon manager incompatibility due to wrong archive format.

Version 2.1.2

21 Jan 21:21
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This is a maintenance/bug fix version with a few minor features. Unless a major bug is identified, this will be the last DirectX 9 version of the addon.


  • Headline feature: Added new condition to test against character's elite specialization, making specialization-specific menus possible. The "No Elite" option can be used in conjunction with a profession condition to test for vanilla (no elite spec) characters.
  • Fix crash if "Move cursor to original location after release" is disabled (thanks to first-time contributor @void-method!)
  • Custom menu archives (zip files) can now contain multiple radial menus (place each menu in a separate folder in the zip file)
  • Fix crash when a keybind was active on alt-tabbing in fullscreen
  • Removed XInput dependency and improved error message for outdated D3D Compiler version.
  • Better handling of conflicting/overlapping keybinds (i.e. having the menu keybind interfere with the individual mount keybinds, preventing them from triggering).
  • Fixed config file folder detection sometimes unintentionally creating an empty config file in a root folder.
  • Can now disable quick dismount.
  • Can now add a delay before dismounting (radial key needs to be held for some amount of time to dismount).
  • Can now disable Smart War.
  • Greatly reduced the number of situations where the queued input indicator would briefly flash on screen for no reason.
  • All bypass actions (e.g., Smart War, Smart Water, etc.) properly set last used mount to the bypassed mount, improving dismount reliability.

Version 2.1.2 Pre-release 2

18 Jan 03:47
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Includes elite specialization condition as per issue #265.

Version 2.1.2 Pre-release 1

16 Jan 20:12
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Added option to disable Smart War. Fixes #234.


02 Oct 16:33
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This is a bugfix release with some low-hanging fruit features thrown into the mix.


  • Fixed issue where having keybinds bound to SHIFT, ALT or M would disrupt SHIFT+ALT+M settings menu keybind, preventing the settings menu from opening.
  • Added toggle to disable queuing on a per-menu basis. Defaults to allowing queuing. Find it in the settings!
  • Fixed issue where attempting to unbind a keybind would leave it semi-bound such that pressing the key combination would trigger the menu but never close it, remaining stuck in this state until alt-tabbing or closing the game.
  • Fixed issue where unbinding a keybind would not save it to the configuration file.
  • Fixed error about "GetDpiForWindow" on Windows 8.1 and older.
  • Added currently installed GW2Radial version number to settings menu in the Misc tab.
  • Fixed issue where dismounting would not work if the first mount on the menu was not unlocked in the game on the current account.
  • Removed GUI option to not move the cursor back to its original location for the Markers menu. Since markers are placed where the cursor is located, the cursor must be moved back to its original location before firing the keybind.

Known issues:

  • On certain platforms, shader compilation fails due to a missing D3DCompiler_47.dll dependency. This can be worked around by downloading D3DCompiler_47.dll here and putting it in your root GW2 directory.
  • Not compatible with DX11 beta.

A 2.1.2 version is planned in the near future to address more complex feature requests and bugs. After this, work will resume on 2.2.0 which will support the DX11 beta.

The Big One: v2.1.0

29 Sep 15:53
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First of all: sorry for how long this release took. It's been a long and bizarre time. But, we've arrived: version 2.1, the ultimate GW2Radial, is finally with us.

The changelog is pretty massive. Some highlights:

  • Due to changes detailed below, you may need to reset certain keybinds. Sorry!
  • Custom radial menus are here! Head on over to the examples folder to learn more, the process is very simple. You are encouraged to share your custom menus to the community!
    • Use your own images, or let the addon generate text on the fly.
    • Enable as many radial menus as you'd like.
    • Each menu has its own full array of customization options like the built-in ones.
  • Added Conditions, which allow you to only enable certain radial menus under specific conditions, such as being in combat or using a character of a specific profession. Multiple radial menus can now share keybinds! N.B. Behavior is undetermined if two or more menus are enabled at the same time on the same keybind.
  • Smart Water™*: the radial menu will automagically select the Skimmer while underwater (if the mastery checkbox is ticked in the settings) or on the surface of water. No more faffing about to find the one mount that works!
  • Smart War™*: the Warclaw is now automatically mounted when in WvW without displaying the menu. This works even if the Warclaw is hidden from the radial menu.
  • Added ability to "queue" up a mount command based on certain conditions, which will automatically mount you up with the selected mount when the conditions pass. This "queue" will expire after a customizable timer has elapsed, which is displayed over your cursor if active.
    • Main check: combat! You can now select a mount while in combat and you'll automatically get mounted when you break combat.
    • Secondary check: water! You will not be mounted while underwater (unless you have the mastery and ticked the option in the settings menu), and you'll get mounted when you surface. This of course synergizes with Smart Water™.

*: Not really a trademark. Patents not pending.

Here's the full rundown:

  • Complete rewrite of keyboard input handling. This should hopefully fix all the keyboard layout issues for good. You may need to redefine certain keybinds after this update, sorry!
  • Tweaked visual appearance to try to match to the game's UI even more.
  • Added opacity slider for radial menus.
  • You can now choose to reset the cursor back to its original location after selecting an option on a radial menu.
  • You can now choose to left click on an option in a radial menu instead of releasing the menu's opening keybind over it.
  • You can now disable a radial menu while in combat, preventing its keybinds from opening it.
  • The Mounts radial menu will not be shown if you are mounted, its keybinds will simply dismount you immediately.
  • Radial menus will not send keybinds to text boxes such as the chat box. This will effectively cancel the action however.
  • Similarly, radial menus will not be triggered while input is in a text box.
  • Better d912pxy integration.
  • Addon loader support. It is recommended to use the GW2 Addon Manager to handle this easily. This is now the recommended method to install GW2Radial.
  • Added user-friendly tooltips for most options.
  • Improved settings menu in various other ways.
  • UI/DPI scaling support for some elements.