Freeclimb - the Ruby gem for the FreeClimb API
FreeClimb is a cloud-based application programming interface (API) that puts the power of the Vail platform in your hands. FreeClimb simplifies the process of creating applications that can use a full range of telephony features without requiring specialized or on-site telephony equipment. Using the FreeClimb REST API to write applications is easy! You have the option to use the language of your choice or hit the API directly. Your application can execute a command by issuing a RESTful request to the FreeClimb API. The base URL to send HTTP requests to the FreeClimb REST API is: /apiserver. FreeClimb authenticates and processes your request.
This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 5.1.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RubyClientCodegen For more information, please visit
Add this to the Gemfile:
gem 'freeclimb', '~> 5.1.0'
and run from your terminal
bundle install
If the Ruby gem is hosted at a git repository: e.g. https://, then add the following in the Gemfile:
gem 'freeclimb', :git => 'https://'
gem install freeclimb
bundle add freeclimb
To build the Ruby code into a gem:
gem build freeclimb.gemspec
Then either install the gem locally:
gem install ./freeclimb-5.1.0.gem
(for development, run gem install --dev ./freeclimb-5.1.0.gem
to install the development dependencies)
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:
# Load the gem
require 'freeclimb'
# Setup authorization
Freeclimb.configure do |config|
# Configure HTTP basic authorization: fc
config.username = 'ACCOUNT_ID'
config.password = 'API_KEY'
api_instance =
buy_incoming_number_request ={phone_number: 'phone_number_example'}) # BuyIncomingNumberRequest | Incoming Number transaction details
#Buy a Phone Number
result = api_instance.buy_a_phone_number(buy_incoming_number_request)
p result
rescue Freeclimb::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling DefaultApi->buy_a_phone_number: #{e}"
The Performance Command Language (PerCL) defines a set of instructions, written in JSON format, that express telephony actions to be performed in response to an event on the FreeClimb platform. FreeClimb communicates with the application server when events associated with the application occur, so the webserver can instruct FreeClimb how to handle such events using PerCL scripts. PerCL commands are a part of the model schema and can be serialized into JSON like so:
require 'freeclimb'
say = "Hello, World")
play = "Example File")
get_digits = "Example Action URL", prompts: [say, play])
percl_script = [get_digits])
puts percl_script.to_json
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | buy_a_phone_number | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/IncomingPhoneNumbers | Buy a Phone Number |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | create_a_conference | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences | Create a Conference |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | create_a_queue | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues | Create a Queue |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | create_an_application | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Applications | Create an application |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | create_knowledge_base_completion | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/KnowledgeBases/{knowledgeBaseId}/Completion | Query the knowledge base |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | delete_a_recording | DELETE /Accounts/{accountId}/Recordings/{recordingId} | Delete a Recording |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | delete_an_application | DELETE /Accounts/{accountId}/Applications/{applicationId} | Delete an application |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | delete_an_incoming_number | DELETE /Accounts/{accountId}/IncomingPhoneNumbers/{phoneNumberId} | Delete an Incoming Number |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | dequeue_a_member | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues/{queueId}/Members/{callId} | Dequeue a Member |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | dequeue_head_member | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues/{queueId}/Members/Front | Dequeue Head Member |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | download_a_recording_file | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Recordings/{recordingId}/Download | Download a Recording File |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | filter_logs | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Logs | Filter Logs |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_a_call | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Calls/{callId} | Get a Call |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_a_conference | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences/{conferenceId} | Get a Conference |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_a_member | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues/{queueId}/Members/{callId} | Get a Member |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_a_participant | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences/{conferenceId}/Participants/{callId} | Get a Participant |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_a_queue | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues/{queueId} | Get a Queue |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_a_recording | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Recordings/{recordingId} | Get a Recording |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_an_account | GET /Accounts/{accountId} | Get an Account |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_an_application | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Applications/{applicationId} | Get an Application |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_an_incoming_number | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/IncomingPhoneNumbers/{phoneNumberId} | Get an Incoming Number |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_an_sms_message | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/{messageId} | Get an SMS Message |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_head_member | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues/{queueId}/Members/Front | Get Head Member |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_ten_dlc_sms_brand | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/10DLC/Brands/{brandId} | Get a 10DLC SMS Brand |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_ten_dlc_sms_brands | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/10DLC/Brands | Get list of SMS 10DLC Brands |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_ten_dlc_sms_campaign | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/10DLC/Campaigns/{campaignId} | Get a 10DLC SMS Campaign |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_ten_dlc_sms_campaigns | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/10DLC/Campaigns | Get list of SMS 10DLC Campaigns |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_ten_dlc_sms_partner_campaign | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/10DLC/PartnerCampaigns/{campaignId} | Get a 10DLC SMS Partner Campaign |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_ten_dlc_sms_partner_campaigns | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/10DLC/PartnerCampaigns | Get list of SMS 10DLC Partner Campaigns |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_toll_free_sms_campaign | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/TollFree/Campaigns/{campaignId} | Get a TollFree SMS Campaign |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | get_toll_free_sms_campaigns | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages/TollFree/Campaigns | Get list of TollFree Campaigns |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_active_queues | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues | List Active Queues |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_all_account_logs | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Logs | List All Account Logs |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_applications | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Applications | List applications |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_available_numbers | GET /AvailablePhoneNumbers | List available numbers |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_call_logs | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Calls/{callId}/Logs | List Call Logs |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_call_recordings | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Calls/{callId}/Recordings | List Call Recordings |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_calls | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Calls | List Calls |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_conference_recordings | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences/{conferenceId}/Recordings | List Conference Recordings |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_conferences | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences | List Conferences |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_incoming_numbers | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/IncomingPhoneNumbers | List Incoming Numbers |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_members | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues/{queueId}/Members | List Members |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_participants | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences/{conferenceId}/Participants | List Participants |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_recordings | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Recordings | List Recordings |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | list_sms_messages | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages | List SMS Messages |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | make_a_call | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Calls | Make a Call |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | make_a_webrtc_jwt | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Calls/WebRTC/Token | Make a JWT for WebRTC calling |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | remove_a_participant | DELETE /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences/{conferenceId}/Participants/{callId} | Remove a Participant |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | send_an_sms_message | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Messages | Send an SMS Message |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | stream_a_recording_file | GET /Accounts/{accountId}/Recordings/{recordingId}/Stream | Stream a Recording File |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | update_a_conference | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences/{conferenceId} | Update a Conference |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | update_a_live_call | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Calls/{callId} | Update a Live Call |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | update_a_participant | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Conferences/{conferenceId}/Participants/{callId} | Update a Participant |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | update_a_queue | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Queues/{queueId} | Update a Queue |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | update_an_account | POST /Accounts/{accountId} | Manage an account |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | update_an_application | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/Applications/{applicationId} | Update an application |
Freeclimb::DefaultApi | update_an_incoming_number | POST /Accounts/{accountId}/IncomingPhoneNumbers/{phoneNumberId} | Update an Incoming Number |
FreeClimb::DefaultApi | get_next_page | GET | Get next page of paginated resource |
- Freeclimb::AccountRequest
- Freeclimb::AccountResult
- Freeclimb::AccountStatus
- Freeclimb::AccountType
- Freeclimb::AddToConference
- Freeclimb::AddToConferenceNotificationWebhook
- Freeclimb::AddToQueueNotificationWebhook
- Freeclimb::AnsweredBy
- Freeclimb::ApplicationList
- Freeclimb::ApplicationRequest
- Freeclimb::ApplicationResult
- Freeclimb::AvailableNumber
- Freeclimb::AvailableNumberList
- Freeclimb::BargeInReason
- Freeclimb::BuyIncomingNumberRequest
- Freeclimb::CallControlWebhook
- Freeclimb::CallDirection
- Freeclimb::CallEndedReason
- Freeclimb::CallList
- Freeclimb::CallResult
- Freeclimb::CallStatus
- Freeclimb::CallStatusWebhook
- Freeclimb::Capabilities
- Freeclimb::CompletionRequest
- Freeclimb::CompletionResult
- Freeclimb::CompletionResultStatus
- Freeclimb::ConferenceList
- Freeclimb::ConferenceParticipantList
- Freeclimb::ConferenceParticipantResult
- Freeclimb::ConferenceRecordingStatusWebhook
- Freeclimb::ConferenceResult
- Freeclimb::ConferenceStatus
- Freeclimb::ConferenceStatusWebhook
- Freeclimb::CreateConference
- Freeclimb::CreateConferenceRequest
- Freeclimb::CreateConferenceWebhook
- Freeclimb::CreateWebRTCToken
- Freeclimb::Dequeue
- Freeclimb::DequeueWebhook
- Freeclimb::Enqueue
- Freeclimb::FilterLogsRequest
- Freeclimb::GetDigits
- Freeclimb::GetDigitsReason
- Freeclimb::GetDigitsWebhook
- Freeclimb::GetSpeech
- Freeclimb::GetSpeechReason
- Freeclimb::GetSpeechWebhook
- Freeclimb::GrammarFileBuiltIn
- Freeclimb::GrammarType
- Freeclimb::Hangup
- Freeclimb::IfMachine
- Freeclimb::InboundCallWebhook
- Freeclimb::IncomingNumberList
- Freeclimb::IncomingNumberRequest
- Freeclimb::IncomingNumberResult
- Freeclimb::Language
- Freeclimb::LeaveConferenceWebhook
- Freeclimb::LogLevel
- Freeclimb::LogList
- Freeclimb::LogResult
- Freeclimb::MachineDetectedWebhook
- Freeclimb::MachineType
- Freeclimb::MakeCallRequest
- Freeclimb::MessageDeliveryWebhook
- Freeclimb::MessageDirection
- Freeclimb::MessageRequest
- Freeclimb::MessageResult
- Freeclimb::MessageStatus
- Freeclimb::MessageStatusWebhook
- Freeclimb::MessagesList
- Freeclimb::MutableResourceModel
- Freeclimb::OutDial
- Freeclimb::OutDialApiConnectWebhook
- Freeclimb::OutDialConnectWebhook
- Freeclimb::OutDialStartWebhook
- Freeclimb::PaginationModel
- Freeclimb::Park
- Freeclimb::Pause
- Freeclimb::PerclCommand
- Freeclimb::PerclScript
- Freeclimb::Play
- Freeclimb::PlayBeep
- Freeclimb::PlayEarlyMedia
- Freeclimb::QueueList
- Freeclimb::QueueMember
- Freeclimb::QueueMemberList
- Freeclimb::QueueRequest
- Freeclimb::QueueResult
- Freeclimb::QueueResultStatus
- Freeclimb::QueueWaitWebhook
- Freeclimb::RecordUtterance
- Freeclimb::RecordUtteranceTermReason
- Freeclimb::RecordWebhook
- Freeclimb::RecordingList
- Freeclimb::RecordingResult
- Freeclimb::Redirect
- Freeclimb::RedirectWebhook
- Freeclimb::Reject
- Freeclimb::RemoveFromConference
- Freeclimb::RemoveFromQueueNotificationWebhook
- Freeclimb::RequestType
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCBrand
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCBrandAltBusinessIdType
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCBrandEntityType
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCBrandIdentityStatus
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCBrandRelationship
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCBrandStockExchange
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCBrandsListResult
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCCampaign
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCCampaignStatus
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCCampaignsListResult
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCPartnerCampaign
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCPartnerCampaignBrand
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCPartnerCampaignStatus
- Freeclimb::SMSTenDLCPartnerCampaignsListResult
- Freeclimb::SMSTollFreeCampaign
- Freeclimb::SMSTollFreeCampaignRegistrationStatus
- Freeclimb::SMSTollFreeCampaignsListResult
- Freeclimb::Say
- Freeclimb::SendDigits
- Freeclimb::SetDTMFPassThrough
- Freeclimb::SetListen
- Freeclimb::SetTalk
- Freeclimb::Sms
- Freeclimb::StartRecordCall
- Freeclimb::TFN
- Freeclimb::TFNCampaign
- Freeclimb::TerminateConference
- Freeclimb::TranscribeReason
- Freeclimb::TranscribeTermReason
- Freeclimb::TranscribeUtterance
- Freeclimb::TranscribeUtteranceRecord
- Freeclimb::TranscribeWebhook
- Freeclimb::Unpark
- Freeclimb::UpdateCallRequest
- Freeclimb::UpdateCallRequestStatus
- Freeclimb::UpdateConferenceParticipantRequest
- Freeclimb::UpdateConferenceRequest
- Freeclimb::UpdateConferenceRequestStatus
- Freeclimb::Webhook
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
To verify the signature request, we will need to use the verifySignatureRequest method within the Request Verifier class
Freeclimb::RequestVerifier.verify_request_signature(requestBody, requestHeader, signingSecret, tolerance)
This is a method that you can call directly from the request verifier class, it will throw exceptions depending on whether all parts of the request signature is valid otherwise it will throw a specific error message depending on which request signature part is causing issues
This method requires a requestBody of type string, a requestHeader of type string, a signingSecret of type string, and a tolerance value of type int
Example code down below
class RequestVerifier def verify_request_signature_example() request_header = "t=1679944186,v1=c3957749baf61df4b1506802579cc69a74c77a1ae21447b930e5a704f9ec4120,v1=1ba18712726898fbbe48cd862dd096a709f7ad761a5bab14bda9ac24d963a6a8" signing_secret = "sigsec_ead6d3b6904196c60835d039e91b3341c77a7793" tolerance = (5 * 60) request_body = "{\"accountId\":\"AC1334ffb694cd8d969f51cddf5f7c9b478546d50c\",\"callId\":\"CAccb0b00506553cda09b51c5477f672a49e0b2213\",\"callStatus\":\"ringing\",\"conferenceId\":null,\"direction\":\"inbound\",\"from\":\"+13121000109\",\"parentCallId\":null,\"queueId\":null,\"requestType\":\"inboundCall\",\"to\":\"+13121000096\"}" Freeclimb::RequestVerifier.verify_request_signature(request_body, request_header, signing_secret, tolerance)
If you are experiencing difficulties, contact support.