Name | Type | Description | Notes |
request_type | string | Value will be messageStatus - An outbound SMS has changed status and the Sms command's notificationUrl is being invoked. | [optional] |
account_id | string | Account ID associated with your account. | [optional] |
message_id | string | Unique ID for this message, generated by FreeClimb. | [optional] |
call_id | string | Unique ID for the Call in the context of which the Sms PerCL command was issued. | [optional] |
from | string | aPhone number used to initiate the SMS message (in E.164 format). | [optional] |
to | string | Destination number of the SMS message (in E.164 format). | [optional] |
text | string | Body of the SMS message. | [optional] |
direction | string | Value will be outbound to indicate an outgoing SMS from FreeClimb. | [optional] |
application_id | string | ID of the application to which the destination number is assigned. May be null if the originating number is invalid in some way or is not registered to an application. | [optional] |
status | \FreeClimb\Api\Model\MessageStatus | [optional] | |
phone_number_id | string | ID of the destination phone number. | [optional] |