The Play
command plays an audio file back to the caller. The audio file may be located at any location accessible via a URL. Play
can exist as a stand-alone command or as a nested command. It does not allow barge-in unless nested within a GetSpeech
command. The file will always be played to completion unless nested.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_file | String | RL of the audio file to be played to the caller. The URL can be the `recordingUrl` generated from the `RecordUtterance` or `StartRecordCall` PerCL commands. | |
loop | Integer | Number of times the audio file is played. Specifying '0' causes the Play action to loop until the Call is hung up. | [optional] |
privacyMode | Boolean | Parameter `privacyMode` will not log the `text` as required by PCI compliance. | [optional] |