The AddToConference
command adds a Participant to a Conference. Two Call legs can be bridged together by creating a Conference and adding both Call legs to it via AddToConference
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
Command | string | Name of PerCL Command (this is automatically derived from mapping configuration and should not be manually supplied in any arguments) | [optional] |
AllowCallControl | bool | If `true`, Call control will be enabled for this Participant's Call leg. | [optional] |
CallControlSequence | string | Defines a sequence of digits that, when entered by this caller, invokes the `callControlUrl`. Only digits plus '*', and '#' may be used. | [optional] |
CallControlUrl | string | URL to be invoked when this Participant enters the digit sequence defined in the `callControlSequence` attribute. | [optional] |
ConferenceId | string | ID of the Conference to which to add the Participant (Call leg). Conference must exist or an error will result. | |
LeaveConferenceUrl | string | URL to be invoked when the Participant leaves the Conference. | [optional] |
Listen | bool | If `true`, the Participant joins the Conference with listen privileges. This may be modified later via the REST API or `SetListen` PerCL command. | [optional] |
NotificationUrl | string | When the Participant enters the Conference, this URL will be invoked using an HTTP POST request with the standard request parameters. | [optional] |
StartConfOnEnter | bool | Flag that indicates whether a Conference starts upon entry of this particular Participant. This is usually set to `true` for moderators and `false` for all other Participants. | [optional] |
Talk | bool | If `true`, the Participant joins the Conference with talk privileges. This may be modified later via the REST API or `SetTalk` PerCL command. | [optional] |
DtmfPassThrough | bool | If `true`, the Participant joins the Conference with dtmfPassThrough privileges. This may be modified later via the REST API or `SetDTMFPassThrough` PerCL command. | [optional] |