Solar System Live is an interactive orrery for the Web that lets you view the solar system in a variety of ways for any date between 4713 B.C. and A.D. 8000. An ephemeris can be displayed for any location on Earth and, given orbital elements in the form published in the IAU Circulars and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the orbit and position of asteroids and comets can be plotted.
This repository maintains the master copies of the Solar System Live Web application source code and the Web tree for the program.
This repository is organised into the following directories.
webtree: Replica of the Web tree from the Fourmilab site containing all of the HTML documents, and images. These pages contain relative references to style sheets, icons, and other resources on the Fourmilab Web site and will not display properly without modification in other environments.
src: Source code for the Solar System Live program, which runs as a Common Gateway Interface (CGI) application invoked by a Web server processing a user request.