Welcome to the Poll Management App, a platform designed for conducting image-based contests and managing user votes. This application allows administrators to upload photos of contestants, view leaderboards, and provides users with the ability to vote for their favorite images.
- Upload Contestant Photos: Admins can easily upload images of contestants through the admin panel.
- Leaderboard: Admins have access to a leaderboard that displays the current standings of contestants based on user votes.
- Voting System: Users can cast votes for up to three images, expressing their preferences in the ongoing contest.
- React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Daisy UI: A UI library/framework for enhancing the frontend design.
- Tailwind CSS: A utility-first CSS framework for styling.
- Firebase: Authentication service to manage user sign-ins.
- Express: A web application framework for Node.js.
- MongoDB: A NoSQL database for storing contest and user data.
To get started with the Poll Management App, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/poll-management-app.git
- Navigate to the project folder:
cd poll-management-app
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Run the app:
npm start
Explore the live demo of the Poll Management App here.