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This module enables integration of the (paid) services of into your Sitecore solution. It does not work on its own, without these services. To get started you can get a 30-day trial which requires no payment info and it is obligation free


Sitecore module

Download the module from or go to the Sitecore-packages folder and install the module into Sitecore. Afterwards publish all the items under /sitecore/templates/System/Media.


In order to start using the FocusPoints module functionality in the website you need to provide it with the correct credentials. Open the file /App_config/Include/FocusPoints.config and change the issuer and secret provided by

Configuration settings

You can also change some other settings. The following settings are supported.

Name Default Value Required Description
FocusPoints.Enabled true False Enable FocusPoints or fallback to default Sitecore MediaManager.GetMediaUrl()
FocusPoints.DisabledInExperienceEditor true False Don't use FocusPoints image when in the Experience Editor
FocusPoints.Client.EndpointUrl False The FocusPoints endpoint
FocusPoints.Client.TokenRequestParameterName _jwt False The name of the request parameter containing the token
FocusPoints.Client.Issuer True Your FocusPoints issuer
FocusPoints.Client.Secret True Your FocusPoints secret


The FocusPoints module comes with a user interface to set a focus point for images in the Media Library. If an image is used multiple times the same focus point will be used each time. In your code you can use the FocusPointsHelper that will do all the focussing and scaling for you.

Setting a focus point

Setting a focus point is very easy.

  • Go to the image in the Media Library
  • Click on Set focus point under the Media tab (automatically opened in the ribbon on the top of the page)
  • Click on the image to set a focus point (you can see a preview in the same window)
  • Save and publish the item

Using FocusPointsHelper

Instead of using MediaManager.GetMediaUrl() to return the Sitecore image URL you can use FocusPointsHelper.GetMediaUrl() to return the FocusPoints image URL.

To use the helper, first reference the FocusPoints.dll, then add a using FocusPoints.Helpers; to your code and then use the example code provided below. This will return a string with the URL to the image.


var image = FocusPointsHelper.GetMediaUrl(
	new MediaUrlOptions { Width = 1200, Height = 250 },
	true) // Optional: resizeOnly (default: false)

FocusPointsHelper.GetMediaUrl() Arguments

Argument Type Default value Required Description
mediaItem Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem True The Media Item to resize (if FocusPoints is disabled this argument is passed straight to MediaManager.GetMediaUrl())
mediaUrlOptions Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaUrlOptions True Set the width and height of the image (if FocusPoints is disabled this argument is passed straight to MediaManager.GetMediaUrl())
resizeOnly bool false False Only resize and don't use the focus point

Serving images from your own (custom) domain

When using FocusPoints the domain your images are served from will be If this is undesirable behavior it is possible to serve the images from your own (custom) domain by using a proxy. In order to do so use the following steps:

  • Set the FocusPoints URL to a relative path (e.g. /images/) or custom domain (e.g. You can do this by opening /App_config/Include/FocusPoints.config and setting FocusPoints.Client.EndpointUrl to the relative path or custom domain.
  • Create a Reverse Proxy in Internet Information Services (IIS) and proxy all requests for the /images/ path or custom domain to


Instead of directly using the package (found under installation) you can also build your own solution.

Build and Publish solution in Visual Studio

Follow the steps below to build and publish the solution in Visual Studio.

  • Make a copy of gulp-config.js.example and remove the .example extention. Do the same with TdsGlobal.config.example.
  • Change the paths in the copied files to match your own environment.
  • Open the solution folder in a Command Prompt and run npm install.
  • Open the solution in Visual Studio.
  • Restore the NuGet packages.
  • Go to the Task Runner Explorer and run the task Build-and-Publish-Solution.


This code uses the jquery-focuspoint plugin created by Jono Menz (jonom).