Releases: FluvialGeomorph/fluvgeo
Releases · FluvialGeomorph/fluvgeo
fluvgeo v0.1.38 (2023-01-21)
Bug Fixes
- Updated the fc2sf function to enforce feature dataset usage.
- Updated all test functions to reference test data in feature datasets.
- Updated test data to use feature dataset for vector feature class storage. This implements the coordinate reference system workaround.
fluvgeo v0.1.37 (2023-01-03)
Bug Fixes
- Developed workaround to the
failure to comprehensively handle coordinate reference system conversions between ESRI-GDAL-ESRI. The workaround is to require the user to read and write geodatabase (GDB) feature classes into a feature dataset. The feature dataset then enforces the coordinate reference system. - Determined that the
recommendation to handle coordinate reference system conversions between ESRI-GDAL/PROJ6-ESRI using thearc.write()
method does not work, Issue 38.
fluvgeo v0.1.36 (2022-11-15)
Bug Fixes
- Updated the process for identifying horizontal coordinate systems and setting linear unit conversion factors for slope and sinuosity calculations.
- Fixed bug when calculating sinuosity when linear units not meters.
- Identified ESRI arcgisbinding bug in properly handling coordinate reference systems on read and write (see
issue 26 & 38)[].
fluvgeo v0.1.35 (2021-02-28)
Major Changes
- Updated all metric calculations to include an additional variable for each metric modified to only contain the values within the logical limits of that metric. This improves interpretation by eliminating technical possible, but confusing results from the display. The unmodified variables are also included for review and troubleshooting.
- Slope and sinuosity are now calculated based on an upstream AND downstream centered moving window. Previously the calculation had been made with just an upstream moving window 69d9835.
Bug Fixes
- Updated and cleaned test data.
fluvgeo v0.1.34 (2020-12-14)
Major Changes
- Updated the Estimate Bankfull report to use the
feature class.
Bug Fixes
- Updated Cole Creek test data.
fluvgeo v0.1.33 (2020-11-21)
Major Changes
- Added the option to display an aerial photo or elevation background to the
Bug Fixes
- Updated the
function to ensure that coordinate systems with linear units of meters, feet, or US survey feet are handled properly.
fluvgeo v0.1.32 (2020-09-27)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Level 1 and 2 reports from displaying slope.
- Adjusted the
default values.
fluvgeo v0.1.31 (2020-09-21)
Major Changes
- Added the Level 3 report (formerly named the
). - Added
to the Level 1 and Estimate Bankfull reports. - Made the banklines parameter in
optional to support its use in the Level 1 report and the Estimate Bankfull report before banklines are created. - Added the
function to standardize raster retrieval. - Moved the legend of
into the plot area to be consistent with the level 2 plots.
Bug Fixes
- Clarified the x-axis label in the
to more clearly communicate the orientation of the cross section. - Restructured the way XS maps are drawn in reports when called in a loop. Changed the
function to accept araster::RasterLayer
so that the site DEM is only loaded once rather than being loaded each time themap_xs
function is called.
fluvgeo v0.1.30 (2020-09-13)
Major Changes
- Added a new Level 1 cross sections dimensions tool. This supports the new Level 1 workflow that calculates the dimensions possible at this stage of the analysis.
- Updated the Level 1 Report with a new cross section metrics graph.
- Updated the Estimate Bankfull Report cross section graphs to use a square aspect ratio.
- Updated the Level 2 Report cross section graphs to use a wide aspect ratio.
- Added a labeling frequency parameter to the following functions:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Level 1 graph series order to match Level 2 report series order.
- Added a parameter check to the
. check_cross_section_dimensions
now accepts sf input.- Fixed some failing tests.
fluvgeo v0.1.29 (2020-09-07)
Major Changes
- Updated the Level 1 Report with new options.
- Updated the Estimate Bankfull Report with new options.
- Updated the Level 2 Report with new options.
- Upgraded the
function to use aerial photos and coarse-scale elevation from Mapbox. This functionality is provided by theceramic
R package. Use of Mapbox requires an API key to access a relatively generous free tier of mapping services. - Added the Lever 2 compare xs plot graph that allows users to compare multiple surveys with the "base year" survey. Displays the detrended elevation for the "base year" survey.
- Added level 2 test data for the Cole Creek R1 test site. This site contains multiple surveys.
Bug Fixes
- Updated the
to use theceramic
R package to retrieve Mapbox aerial photos and coarse-scale elevation in place of the brokentmaptools::read_osm
. - Removed the floodprone water surface series from the longitudinal profile graph.