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@mpdougherty mpdougherty released this 25 Jan 14:30

fluvgeo v0.1.42 (2023-01-25)

Major changes

  • Added the sx2arc_table function to write sf and sp objects to a file geodatabase table.

Bug Fixes

  • Discovered that arcgisbinding::arc.write frequently fails writing feature classes to a file geodatabase. "Wild caught" file geodatabase feature classes produced by the FluvialGeomorph-toolbox when converted to sp or sf inside fluvgeo frequently fail to create a valid feature class (i.e., missing geometry, no coordinate system) when saved to a file geodatabase using arc.write.

  • This behavior is described in the arcgisbinding issues listed below. These outstanding issues identify and generally discuss the problems, but provide no fix or clear workaround guidance.

  • The workarounds identified in these issues were implemented in the sp2arc and sf2arc functions. No combination of these suggestions were able to produce a reliable workaround.

  • Since no comprehensive solution is currently being provided for these issues in arc.write, we have chosen to minimize our exposure. We have decided to only write table data back to the file geodatabase.

  • If the arcgisbinging team addresses these issues, we may choose to go back to trusting the writing of file geodatabase feature classes using arc.write.