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Releases: FluvialGeomorph/fluvgeo


04 Feb 16:23
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fluvgeo v0.1.53 (2025-02-04)

Major changes

  • Converted all functions to tmap version 4 (well, v3.99).

  • Discovered that the function now no longer works reliably (see issue #91).

  • Removed all remaining dependencies on the ESRI arcgisbinding R package as many of its primary IO functions are no longer reliably working. Removed remaining functions that relied on or arc.write:

    • arc_raster2SpatRaster replaced by gdb_raster2SpatRast
    • arc2sf replaced by fc2fs
    • get_arc_wkt
    • sf2arc_table
    • sf2arc
  • Discovered that the GDAL v3.7+ OpenFileGDB driver can now read rasters.

  • The terra package for rasters is currently bundled with > GDAL 3.7

> terra::gdal()
[1] "3.9.3"
>terra::gdal(drivers = TRUE) |> filter(name == 'OpenFileGDB')
         name raster vector        can  vsi
1 OpenFileGDB   TRUE   TRUE read/write TRUE ESRI FileGDB
  • Added a test function to verify that the GDAL OpenFileGDB driver can replace arcgisbindings.

Minor changes

  • Fixed some broken test data.


15 Jun 21:48
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fluvgeo v0.1.52 (2024-06-15)

Major changes

  • Added the new Level 2 Report "b" version. This report sports new a cross section figure which is more compact and information dense. Updated the hydraulic dimensions table to only use cross section stations from within the channel portion of the cross section.
  • Updated the Level 1 Report "b" version. This report also sports a new cross section figure which is more compact information dense.
  • Refactored the fig_xs_profiles function into two functions, each specialized for either L1 or L2 reports. These figures were made more compact to ensure they fit on a single page.
  • Refactored the xs_compare_plot_L1 and xs_compare_plot_L2 functions to be more compact.
  • Added a new function table_xs_dimensions that returns a gtable object of hydraulic dimensions for a cross section.

Minor changes

  • Added the helper function justify_gtable to improve formatting of gtables.


26 May 17:00
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fluvgeo v0.1.51 (2024-05-26)

Major changes

  • Added the report level_1_report_b to enable a modification of the level 1 workflow and improve cross section figures.
  • Added the new fig_xs_profiles figure to more compactly represent individual cross section maps and their plots.
  • Updated the map_xs function to map the channel and floodplain polygons instead of the banklines line feature class.
  • Extended the xs_compare_plot_L1 function to support filtering of cross section station locations to either all, floodplain, or channel.

Minor changes

  • Fixed a bug in the cross_section_dimensions_L2 function.


11 Apr 20:56
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fluvgeo v0.1.50 (2024-04-11)

Major changes

  • None

Minor changes

  • Added the function sf2csv to eliminate the need for arcgisbinding functions to read and write data into file geodatabases.


02 Apr 21:55
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fluvgeo v0.1.49 (2024-04-02)

Major changes

  • The function xs_geometry previously calculated the maximum cross section depth and was changed to calculate the mean depth of each cross section. This change was made to better align with the hydraulic geometry literature.
  • Configured the slope_sinuosity function to optionally smooth the flowline_points z-elevations. As the quality of LiDAR data collection continually increases, there is less need to smooth longitudinal profile z-elevations.

Minor changes

  • Added field survey test data.


21 Aug 20:25
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fluvgeo v0.1.46 (2023-08-21)

Major changes

  • None

Bug Fixes

  • Removed immediate dependencies on rgdal to address issues with the Level 1 Reports failing.
    See Issue 26

Minor changes

  • None


21 Mar 19:02
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fluvgeo v0.1.45 (2023-03-21)

Major changes

  • None

Bug Fixes

  • Added terrainr::get_tiles function to address ceramic display issues for background elevation imagery in reports.
    See Issue 20

Minor changes

  • Added terra functions to replace raster functions in elevation mapping hillshade generation.


01 Mar 21:09
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fluvgeo v0.1.44 (2023-03-01)

Major changes

  • None

Bug Fixes

  • Added maptiles::get_tiles function to address ceramic display issues for aerial imagery in reports.
    See Issue 20


09 Feb 17:42
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fluvgeo v0.1.43 (2023-02-09)

Major changes

  • Added the ability to turn off aerial or elevation backgrounds to map functions.

Bug Fixes

  • The R package ceramic is passing GDAL output that is interrupting the display of maps in reports.


25 Jan 14:30
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fluvgeo v0.1.42 (2023-01-25)

Major changes

  • Added the sx2arc_table function to write sf and sp objects to a file geodatabase table.

Bug Fixes

  • Discovered that arcgisbinding::arc.write frequently fails writing feature classes to a file geodatabase. "Wild caught" file geodatabase feature classes produced by the FluvialGeomorph-toolbox when converted to sp or sf inside fluvgeo frequently fail to create a valid feature class (i.e., missing geometry, no coordinate system) when saved to a file geodatabase using arc.write.

  • This behavior is described in the arcgisbinding issues listed below. These outstanding issues identify and generally discuss the problems, but provide no fix or clear workaround guidance.

  • The workarounds identified in these issues were implemented in the sp2arc and sf2arc functions. No combination of these suggestions were able to produce a reliable workaround.

  • Since no comprehensive solution is currently being provided for these issues in arc.write, we have chosen to minimize our exposure. We have decided to only write table data back to the file geodatabase.

  • If the arcgisbinging team addresses these issues, we may choose to go back to trusting the writing of file geodatabase feature classes using arc.write.