An R
Package for Performing Fluvial Geomrphology Analysis
This package contains a wide range of functions for performing fluvial
geomorphic analysis. This R
package is designed for use with the
FluvialGeomorph ArcGIS
toolbox. The
FluvialGeomorph ArcGIS toolbox contains an tools that can be used to
extract spatial data from high-resolution terrain data. The
FluvialGeomorph ArcGIS toolbox depends on functions in this package to
perform a wide range of fluvial geomorphic analysis:
- Calculate stream channel dimensions
- Calculate stream planform dimensions
- Produce reports of stream channel and planform dimensions
- Tools for choosing a bankfull elevation for ungaged streams
Funding for development and maintenance of FluvialGeomorph has been provided by the following US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) programs:
- Flood and Coastal Risk Management
- Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program (EMRRP)
- Regional Sediment Management Program (RSM)
- Mississippi River Geomorphology and Potamology Program (MRG&P)
- Flood Risk Management Program (FRM)
- Engineering With Nature (EWN)
Check out the NEWS for details on the latest updates.
- Christopher Haring, Fluvial Geomorphologist/Research Physical
Scientist, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Michael Dougherty, Geographer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Barrie Chileen Martinez, Geographer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
To install the fluvgeo
package, install from GitHub using the
remotes::install_github(repo = "FluvialGeomorph/fluvgeo@*release")
If you find any bugs using fluvgeo
, please open an