WTURLImageView is a subclass of UIImageView that load images from Internet using AFNetworking, with the following features
- Auto resize image
- Show image in different aspect ratio
- Disk cache using GVCache
- Activity indicator
- Placeholder and failed image
- Various transition animations when image is loaded
Simplest call:
[imageView setURL:url];
Call with options:
[imageView setURL:url
where you can set different fillType:
The class will not rely on the contentMode to set the aspect ratio of the image. It will resize to the size of the imageView unless fillType==UIImageResizeFillTypeNoResize. It is because it is easier to do animation using layer. So you will find that if you set fillType to UIImageResizeFillTypeNoResize, most transiton animations will not run properly.
various options:
- WTURLImageViewOptionDontUseDiskCache: Disable disk cache
- WTURLImageViewOptionDontUseConnectionCache: Disable http cache
- WTURLImageViewOptionDontUseCache: Disable all cache
- WTURLImageViewOptionDontSaveDiskCache: Don't cache image
- WTURLImageViewOptionShowActivityIndicator: show activity indicator
- WTURLImageViewOptionAnimateEvenCache: by default, no animation when load from cache, set it to force animation in all case
- WTURLImageViewOptionDontClearImageBeforeLoading: by default, will clear old image when loading new image, keep the old image before new image is loaded.
- WTURLImageViewOptionsLoadDiskCacheInBackground: by default, cache is loaded in foreground. Set it if you assume loading image is very big that will take time to load from cache.
- WTURLImageViewOptionTransitionXXX: Various predefined transition when image is loaded.
It may be troublesome to set options every time, so you can use a helper class to preset settings:
WTURLImageViewPreset *preset = [][WTURLImageViewPreset alloc] init];
preset.placeholderImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"placeholder"];
[imageView setURL: url preset:preset];
Or you can set the default settings:
WTURLImageViewPreset *preset = [WTURLImageViewPreset defaultPreset];
preset.placeholderImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"placeholder"];
that all [WTURLImageView setURL:] will use the preset settings.
Check the sample code for details.
git clone https://github.com/waterlou/WTURLImageView.git
cd WTURLImageView
pod install
open WTURLImageViewDemo.xcworkspace
These specifications and CocoaPods are available under the MIT license.