This is a Discord Bot that will ping Riot's website on Tuesday and Thursday to see if Valorant or League of Legends patch notes are out and notifies Discord server!
- Multiple servers can now use the bot without conflicts!
- Automatically creates notification roles as it enters the server!
- Server Tracking to see which servers are using your bot!
- User's can set the notification channel to whatever they please!
- User's can add and remove themselves to the notification role!
- There are currently 2 games supported but it can be used for all of Riot's games!
- Has lots of print statements and comments for debuggin purposes in and out of the terminal!
- Terminal has an auto-updating clock that shows bot status!
- Terminal Audits to see what users are doing what!
Simply download the program, enter your own Discord Token and all should be set!
Make sure you have the necessary modules to run the program For Windows: