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+# node-webkit-cljs
+Simple wrapper for [node-webkit](https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit) native APIs.
+## Documentation
+## License
+Copyright © 2013 Ilia Ablamonov
+Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.
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(this space intentionally left almost blank) |
| |
| |
This is only a thin wrapper for node-webkit Native UI API. Generally, node-webkit's
+ Native UI API Manual
+ is a good place to start learning how to use this APIs.
+ | (ns node-webkit-cljs.core) |
+ | (def ^:private gui (js/require "nw.gui")) |
+ | |
If window-object is not specifed, then return current window's Window object,
+ otherwise return window-object s Window object.
+ | (defn window
+ ([] (.Window.get gui))
+ ([window-object] (.Window.get gui window-object))) |
+ | |
+ | (defn- append-menuitems [menu items]
+ (let [ctor (.-MenuItem gui)]
+ (doseq [item-options items]
+ (.append menu (new ctor (clj->js item-options)))))) |
Create a new Menu. Items is a vector of MenuItem options.
+ Options can have following fields: label , icon , tooltip , type , click , checked , enabled and submenu .
+ See MenuItem documentation.
+ | (defn menu
+ [items]
+ (let [ctor (.-Menu gui)]
+ (doto (new ctor)
+ (append-menuitems items)))) |
Create and set main Window's main Menu. Items is a vector of MenuItem options.
+ Options can have following fields: label , icon , tooltip , type , click , checked , enabled and submenu .
+ See MenuItem documentation.
+ | (defn menubar!
+ [items]
+ (let [ctor (.-Menu gui)
+ menu (new ctor (js-obj "type" "menubar"))]
+ (append-menuitems menu items)
+ (set! (.-menu (window)) menu))) |
+ | |
Get the command line arguments when starting the app.
+ | (defn argv
+ []
+ (seq (.-App.argv gui))) |
Quit current app. This method will not send close event
+ to windows and app will just quit quietly.
+ | (defn quit
+ []
+ (.App.quit gui)) |
+ | |
+ | (def ^:private ^:dynamic current-tray) |
Create a new Tray, options is a map contains initial settings for the Tray.
+ options can have following fields: title , tooltip , icon and menu .
+ See Tray documentation.
+ | (defn tray!
+ [options]
+ (when current-tray (.remove current-tray))
+ (let [ctor (.-Tray gui)]
+ (def current-tray (new ctor (clj->js options))))) |
Assigns new value to one of the following options: title , tooltip , icon and menu .
+ See Tray documentation.
+ | (defn update-tray
+ [option value]
+ (aset current-tray (name option) value)) |
| |
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+(defproject node-webkit-cljs "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
+ :description "Native UI API wrapper for node-webkit"
+ :url "http://github.com/Flamefork/node-webkit-cljs"
+ :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
+ :url "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"}
+ :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.4.0"]]
+ :plugins [[lein-marginalia "0.7.1"]])
diff --git a/src/node_webkit_cljs/core.clj b/src/node_webkit_cljs/core.clj
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+(ns node-webkit-cljs.core
+ "This is only a thin wrapper for node-webkit Native UI API. Generally, node-webkit's
+ [Native UI API Manual](https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Native-UI-API-Manual)
+ is a good place to start learning how to use this APIs.")
+(def ^:private gui (js/require "nw.gui"))
+;; ## Window
+(defn window
+ "If `window-object` is not specifed, then return current window's Window object,
+ otherwise return `window-object`s Window object."
+ ([] (.Window.get gui))
+ ([window-object] (.Window.get gui window-object)))
+;; ## Menu
+(defn- append-menuitems [menu items]
+ (let [ctor (.-MenuItem gui)]
+ (doseq [item-options items]
+ (.append menu (new ctor (clj->js item-options))))))
+(defn menu
+ "Create a new Menu. Items is a vector of MenuItem options.
+ Options can have following fields: `label`, `icon`, `tooltip`, `type`, `click`, `checked`, `enabled` and `submenu`.
+ See [MenuItem documentation](https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/MenuItem)."
+ [items]
+ (let [ctor (.-Menu gui)]
+ (doto (new ctor)
+ (append-menuitems items))))
+(defn menubar!
+ "Create and set main Window's main Menu. Items is a vector of MenuItem options.
+ Options can have following fields: `label`, `icon`, `tooltip`, `type`, `click`, `checked`, `enabled` and `submenu`.
+ See [MenuItem documentation](https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/MenuItem)."
+ [items]
+ (let [ctor (.-Menu gui)
+ menu (new ctor (js-obj "type" "menubar"))]
+ (append-menuitems menu items)
+ (set! (.-menu (window)) menu)))
+;; ## App
+(defn argv
+ "Get the command line arguments when starting the app."
+ []
+ (seq (.-App.argv gui)))
+(defn quit
+ "Quit current app. This method will not send close event
+ to windows and app will just quit quietly."
+ []
+ (.App.quit gui))
+;; ## Tray
+(def ^:private ^:dynamic current-tray)
+(defn tray!
+ "Create a new Tray, options is a map contains initial settings for the Tray.
+ `options` can have following fields: `title`, `tooltip`, `icon` and `menu`.
+ See [Tray documentation](https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Tray)."
+ [options]
+ (when current-tray (.remove current-tray))
+ (let [ctor (.-Tray gui)]
+ (def current-tray (new ctor (clj->js options)))))
+(defn update-tray
+ "Assigns new value to one of the following options: `title`, `tooltip`, `icon` and `menu`.
+ See [Tray documentation](https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/wiki/Tray)."
+ [option value]
+ (aset current-tray (name option) value))