'grunt-nwabap-ui5uploader' is a Grunt Plugin which allows a developer to deploy SAPUI5/OpenUI5 sources to a SAP NetWeaver ABAP system as part of the Grunt task chain.
Starting from version 2.0.0 this deployer uses the OData Service /UI5/ABAP_RESPOSITORY_SRV for deploying UI5 sources. Please make sure that the service is activated on your system (for details you can check SAP note 2999557). The new service does some sanity checks like e.g. virus scans. If you have not configured virus scan profiles or want to disable virus scanning please have a look to SAP note 2437892.
Current deployer versions starting from version 2.0.0 can be used with SAP systems on which component SAP_UI 753 is installed. On systems with a lower version of component SAP_UI, you have to use version 1.x.x of this deployer.
Some further information can be found in the SAP Community.
This plugin requires Grunt 1.0.1
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you are familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-nwabap-ui5uploader --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
The ABAP Development Tool Services have to be activated on the SAP NetWeaver ABAP System (transaction SICF, path /sap/bc/adt). The user used for uploading the sources needs to have the authorization to use the ADT Services and to create/modify BSP applications. The plugin is tested with NW 7.40 and NW 7.5x systems.
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named nwabap_ui5uploader
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
nwabap_ui5uploader: {
options: {
// Task-specific options go here.
your_target: {
// Target-specific file lists and/or options go here.
Type: String
Defines SAP NetWeaver ABAP server (for instance 'http://myserver:8000').
Type: String
Optional parameter to specify the client (transferred as sap-client URL parameter). In case the option is not specified the default client is used if specified.
Type: Boolean
Default: true
SSL mode handling. In case of self signed certificates the useStrictSSL mode option can be set to false
to allow an upload of files.
Type: String
Optional parameter to specify proxy used for communication with SAP NetWeaver ABAP server (for instance 'http://myproxyhost:3128').
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Optional parameter to define if upload is done in test mode or not.
Type: Object
Optional parameter with key/value pairs of custom parameters which are added to the call to the SAP NetWeaver ABAP server. For instance:
customQueryParams: {
myCustomParameter1: 'myCustomValue1',
myCustomParameter2: 'myCustomValue2'
Type: String
Defines the user which is used for access to the SAP NetWeaver ABAP server. It is not recommended to store the user in the Grunt file. It should be passed as argument.
Type: String
Defines the users password for access to the SAP NetWeaver ABAP server. It is not recommended to store the password in the Grunt file. It should be passed as argument. Do also not store the password as not masked value in a CI server environment. Use plugins to create masked variables (for instance the 'Mask Passwords Plugin' for Jenkins).
Type: String
Default: EN
Defines the objects original language.
Type: String
Defines the development package in which the BSP container for the UI5 sources is available or should be created.
Type: String
Defines the name of the BSP container used for the storage of the UI5 sources. Length is restricted to 15 characters (exclusive customer specific namespaces, e.g. /YYY/).
Type: String
Defines the description of the BSP container.
Type: String
Optional in case options.ui5.package is set to '$TMP'.
Defines the transport number which logs the changes. For the transport number it would also make sense to pass it via an argument.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Set this option to true in case a new transport should be created each time the application is uploaded.
Type: String
Optional in case options.ui5.create_transport is set to false.
Text for the new transport to be created.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Optional, if set to true, it will be tried to find a transport request of the given user. If no transport is found and create_transport
is enabled a new one will be created and used for further file uploads.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Optional, if set to true and a file upload failed due the BSP application is locked in another transport, the old (original one) one will be used to upload the files.
Type: String
Defines the base folder which contains the sources (for instance 'build'). It should be avoided to use everything from the webapp
folder, because some directories in it should not be packaged and uploaded into a BSP application. To create a build, use another grunt task to copy the relevant files to the build
folder. In addition for instance you can use the openui5_preload task from the grunt-openui5
plugin to create a component preload file.
Type: String
or array of String
Defines files for upload.
var sUser = grunt.option('user');
var sPwd = grunt.option('pwd');
nwabap_ui5uploader: {
options: {
conn: {
server: 'http://myserver:8000',
auth: {
user: sUser,
pwd: sPwd
upload_build: {
options: {
ui5: {
package: '$TMP',
bspcontainer: 'ZZ_UI5_LOCAL',
bspcontainer_text: 'UI5 upload local objects'
resources: {
cwd: 'build-folder',
src: '**/*.*'
var sUser = grunt.option('user');
var sPwd = grunt.option('pwd');
nwabap_ui5uploader: {
options: {
conn: {
server: 'http://myserver:8000',
auth: {
user: sUser,
pwd: sPwd
upload_build: {
options: {
ui5: {
package: 'ZZ_UI5_REPO',
bspcontainer: 'ZZ_UI5_TRACKED',
bspcontainer_text: 'UI5 upload',
transportno: 'DEVK900000'
resources: {
cwd: 'build-folder',
src: '**/*.*'
var sUser = grunt.option('user');
var sPwd = grunt.option('pwd');
nwabap_ui5uploader: {
options: {
conn: {
server: 'http://myserver:8000',
auth: {
user: sUser,
pwd: sPwd
upload_build: {
options: {
ui5: {
package: 'ZZ_UI5_REPO',
bspcontainer: 'ZZ_UI5_TRACKED',
bspcontainer_text: 'UI5 upload',
create_transport: true,
transport_text: 'Transport for ZZ_UI5_TRACKED container'
resources: {
cwd: 'build-folder',
src: '**/*.*'
var sUser = grunt.option('user');
var sPwd = grunt.option('pwd');
nwabap_ui5uploader: {
upload_build_740: {
options: {
conn: {
server: 'http://myserver740:8000',
auth: {
user: sUser,
pwd: sPwd
ui5: {
package: 'ZZ_UI5_REPO',
bspcontainer: 'ZZ_UI5_TRACKED',
bspcontainer_text: 'UI5 upload',
transportno: 'DEVK900000'
resources: {
cwd: 'build-folder',
src: '**/*.*'
upload_build_750: {
options: {
conn: {
server: 'http://myserver750:8000',
auth: {
user: sUser,
pwd: sPwd
ui5: {
package: 'ZZ_UI5_REPO',
bspcontainer: 'ZZ_UI5_TRACKED',
bspcontainer_text: 'UI5 upload',
transportno: 'DEVK900000'
resources: {
cwd: 'build-folder',
src: '**/*.*'
var sUser = grunt.option('user');
var sPwd = grunt.option('pwd');
nwabap_ui5uploader: {
options: {
conn: {
server: 'http://myserver:8000',
auth: {
user: sUser,
pwd: sPwd
upload_build: {
options: {
ui5: {
package: 'ZZ_UI5_REPO',
bspcontainer: 'ZZ_UI5_TRACKED',
bspcontainer_text: 'UI5 upload',
create_transport: true,
transport_use_user_match: true,
transport_text: 'Transport for ZZ_UI5_TRACKED container'
resources: {
cwd: 'build-folder',
src: '**/*.*'