This repository is archived and won't get any updates in the future. Feel free to fork this repository and continue updating it and keep it up-to-date with Polymart and/or
changes, but be sure to pick a better name that polymartbase
Self-hosted and easily configurable Discord bot for verifying Polymart plugin ownership.
Clone this repository (you can also just download the ZIP):
git clone && cd polymartbase
Install required dependencies:
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Head to Discord Developer Portal, login to your Discord account if asked, and create a new Application.
After that, head to the Bot setting and enable all 3 Privileged Gateway Intents.
In the Bot Permissions section, just enable the "Administrator" permission.
Now head to the OAuth2 setting and select URL Generator, in the Scopes section enable the "bot" and "applications.commandss" scope.
Scroll down and enable the Administrator permission again in the Bot Permissions section.
After that, an URL should be generated which can be used to invite the bot to your server.
Go back to the Bot settings, and click Reset Token. A new token will be generated. Now open the "config.yml" file, and replace DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN
with your token.
Now changes all settings in both config.yml
and resources.yml
After that, run the bot:
If configured properly, the bot should be online and ready to use!
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
tl;dr: do whatever you want with this bot (even selling it), just credit me properly and retain the license.