Social network, written in the likeness of, has all the necessary features. Page, user's settings, system friends, albums and messages, which work in real-time.
The project work with the help of Django and Tornado + Redis. Tornado and Redis uses ideology of the Pub/Sub.
In the development of particular interest were the real-time messages. For successful implementation, we used Tornado and Redis, which communicate with each other via pub/sub messages. When the user sent the message, from his client we issue a PUBLISH operation:
# in chat/
self.client.publish('alert', json.dumps(notify))
Then the Tornado receives the message data:
# in alerts/
# listen to the channel = 'alerts'
yield tornado.gen.Task(self.client.subscribe,
We accept the message and sends it on websocket's:
# alerts/
class NewMessageHandler(HandlerRedisMessages, tornado.websocket.WebSocketHandler):
channel = 'alert'
def on_message(self, msg):
if msg.kind == 'message':
json_msg = msg.body
message = json.loads(json_msg)
# If the message contains the self.id_user, then send to client
if self.id_user in message.keys():
if msg.kind == 'disconnect':
Browser receives data and js-code inserts message.