This is an implementation of Conway's Game of Life written in C, using Raylib for the graphics. The canvas is initialised with a simple Glider, or with a saved state from the file argument.
- Load state from file
- Save state to file
- Show events notification (e.g. on file save or error)
- Add key command to randomly generate a state
- Allow mouse dragging in DRAW mode (?)
./gol ["state.gol"]
Before compiling, install Raylib.
- (d): enter DRAW mode and use mouse to spawn/kill cells on the canvas
- (SPACE): save current state in a checkpoint and PLAY/PAUSE the simulation
- (w): REWIND to the state saved in the checkpoint
- (r): RESET to an empty canvas
- (R): populate the canvas with a random state
- (S): SAVE the current state to a file (
) to load it in a future session