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MIT License
-Copyright (c) 2023 Filippo Airaldi
+Copyright (c) 2024 Filippo Airaldi
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
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# Global Optimization
-Myopic and non-myopic Global Optimization via IDW and RBF approximations
+**global-optimization** is a Python package for **Glob**al **Opt**imization of expensive
+black-box functions via Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and Radial Basis Function (RBF)
+> | | |
+> |---|---|
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+## Features
+**globopt** builds on top of [BoTorch](https://botorch.org/) [[1]](#1), a powerful
+framework for Bayesian optimization (that leverages
+[PyTorch](https://pytorch.org/) [[2]](#2) and its computational benefits), and extends
+it to the more generic field of global optimization via IDW [[3]](#3) and RBF [[4]](#4) deterministic surrogate models. This expansion is achieved in two ways:
+1. appropriate surrogate models based on IDW and RBF are implemented to approximate the
+ black-box function, which support partially fitting new datapoints without the need
+ to retrain the model from scratch on the whole new dataset
+2. acquisition functions are designed to guide the search strategy towards the minimum
+ (or one of) of the black-box function. These acquisition functions are available both
+ as myopic versions, or as nonmyopic formulations that consider future evaluations and
+ evolution of the surrogate models to predict the best point to query next.
+The repository of this package includes also the source code for the following paper:
+ title = {Nonmyopic Global Optimisation via Approximate Dynamic Programming},
+ year = {2024},
+ author = {Filippo Airaldi and Bart De Schutter and Azita Dabiri},
+More information is available in the
+[section Paper](https://github.com/FilippoAiraldi/global-optimization/#Getting-started)
+## Installation
+### Using `pip`
+You can use `pip` to install **globopt** with the command
+pip install globopt
+**globopt** has the following dependencies
+- Python 3.9 or higher
+- [PyTorch](https://pytorch.org/)
+- [BoTorch](https://botorch.org/).
+### Using source code
+If you'd like to play around with the source code instead, run
+git clone https://github.com/FilippoAiraldi/global-optimization.git
+The main branch is `botorch`, and the other branches contain previous or experimental
+versions of the package. You can then install the package to edit it
+as you wish as
+pip install -e /path/to/global-optimization
+## Getting started
+Here we provide a compact example on how **globopt** can be used to optimize a custom
+black-box function. First of all, we need to implement this function as a subclass of
+from botorch.test_functions.synthetic import SyntheticTestFunction
+from torch import Tensor
+class CustomProblem(SyntheticTestFunction):
+ r"""Custom optimization problem:
+ f(x) = (1 + x sin(2x) cos(3x) / (1 + x^2))^2 + x^2 / 12 + x / 10
+ x is bounded [-3, +3], and f in has a global minimum at `x_opt = -0.959769`
+ with `f_opt = 0.2795`.
+ """
+ dim = 1
+ _optimal_value = 0.279504
+ _optimizers = [(-0.959769,)]
+ _bounds = [(-3.0, +3.0)]
+ def evaluate_true(self, X: Tensor) -> Tensor:
+ X2 = X.square()
+ return (
+ (1 + X * (2 * X).sin() * (3 * X).cos() / (1 + X2)).square()
+ + X2 / 12
+ + X / 10
+ )
+Then, we can draw some random points to initialize the surrogate model (in this case,
+ IDW), and define some other constants.
+import torch
+# instantiate problem and create starting training data
+N_ITERS = ...
+problem = CustomProblem()
+lb, ub = problem._bounds[0]
+bounds = torch.as_tensor([[lb], [ub]])
+train_X = torch.as_tensor([[-2.62, -1.2, 0.14, 1.1, 2.82]]).T
+train_Y = problem(train_X)
+c1, c2 = 0.5, 1.0, 0.5
+Finally, we can loop over the optimization iterations, optimizing the acquisition
+function (in this case, the myopic one) and updating the surrogate model with the
+newly queried point at each iteration.
+from botorch.optim import optimize_acqf
+from globopt import IdwAcquisitionFunction, Rbf
+# run optimization loop
+for iteration in range(N_ITERS):
+ # instantiate model and acquisition function
+ mdl = Idw(train_X, train_Y, init_state=rbf_state)
+ MAF = IdwAcquisitionFunction(mdl, c1, c2)
+ # minimize acquisition function
+ X_opt, acq_opt = optimize_acqf(MAF, bounds, 1, 8, 16, options={"seed": iteration})
+ # evaluate objective function at the new point, and append it to training data
+ Y_opt = problem(X_opt)
+ train_X = torch.cat((train_X, X_opt))
+ train_Y = torch.cat((train_Y, Y_opt))
+Assuming a sufficiently large number of iterations is carried out, the optimization
+process will converge to the global minimum of the black-box function, which can be
+retrieved, in theory, as the last queried point ```train_Y[-1]```, but for technical
+reasons it is more convenient to retrieved the best-so-far ```train_Y.min()```.
+## Examples
+subdirectory contains example applications of this package showing how to build the
+IDW and RBF surrogate models, evaluate myopic and nonmyopic acquistion functions, and
+use them to optimize custom black-box functions.
+## Paper
+As aforementioned, this package was used as source code of the following paper:
+ title = {Nonmyopic Global Optimisation via Approximate Dynamic Programming},
+ year = {2024},
+ author = {Filippo Airaldi and Bart De Schutter and Azita Dabiri},
+Below the details on how to run the experiments and reproduce the results of the paper
+are reported. Note that, while the package is available for Python >= 3.9, the results
+of the paper, and thus the commands below, are based on Python 3.11.3.
+### Synthetic and real problems
+To reproduce the results of the paper on the collection of synthetic and real benchmark
+problems, first make sure the Python version and the correct packages are installed
+python --version # 3.11.3 in our case
+pip install -r benchmarking/requirements-benchmarking.txt
+Then, you can run all the experiments (which are a lot) by executing the following
+python benchmarking/run.py --methods myopic ms-mc.1 ms-mc.1.1 ms-mc.1.1.1 ms-mc. ms-gh.1 ms-gh.1.1 ms-gh.1.1.1 ms-gh. ms-mc.10 ms-mc.10.5 ms-gh.10 ms-gh.10.5 --n-jobs={number-of-jobs} --devices {list-of-available-devices} --csv={filename}
+where `{number-of-jobs}`, `{list-of-available-devices}` and `{filename}` are
+placeholders and should be replaced with the desired values. Be aware that this command
+will take several days to run, depending on the number of jobs and the devices at your
+disposal. However, the results are incrementally saved to the CSV file, so you can stop
+and start the script at any time without throwing partial results away. Additionally,
+you can also plot the ongoing results. To fetch the status of the simulation, you can
+python benchmarking/status.py {filename}
+which will print a dataframe with the number of trials already completed for each
+problem-method pair. Once the results are ready (or partially ready), you can analyze
+them by running the `benchmarking/analyze.py` script. Three different modes are
+available: `summary`, `plot`, and `pgfplotstables`. To get the results reported in the
+paper and simulated by us, run
+python benchmarking/analyze.py benchmarking/results.csv --summary --exclude-methods random ei myopic-s
+python benchmarking/analyze.py benchmarking/results.csv --plot --exclude-methods random ei myopic-s
+python benchmarking/analyze.py benchmarking/results.csv --pgfplotstables --exclude-methods random ei myopic-s
+In turn, these command will report a textual summary of the results (of which the table
+of gaps is the primary interest), plot the results in a crude way, and generate in the
+`pgfplotstables/` folder the `.dat` tables with all the data to be later plotted in
+LaTeX with PGFPlots.
+### Data-driven tuning of an MPC controller
+Similarly to the previous results (since it is based on the same scripts), to reproduce
+the results on the second numerical experiment, the tuning of a Model Predictive Control
+controller, first install the requirements
+pip install -r mpc-tuning/requirements-mpc-tuning.txt
+Then, to launch the simulations, run
+python mpc-tuning/tune.py --methods myopic ms-gh.1.1.1 ms-gh.10.5 --n-jobs={number-of-jobs} --devices {list-of-available-devices} --csv={filename} --n-trials=20
+where we limited the number of trials to just 20. You can monitor the progress of the
+simulation with the same `benchmarking/status.py` script as before. To analyze the
+results obtained by us, run
+python mpc-tuning/analyze.py mpc-tuning/results.csv --plot --include-methods myopic ms-gh.1.1.1$ ms-gh.10.5
+## License
+The repository is provided under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file included with
+this repository.
+## Author
+[Filippo Airaldi](https://www.tudelft.nl/staff/f.airaldi/), PhD Candidate
+[f.airaldi@tudelft.nl | filippoairaldi@gmail.com]
+> [Delft Center for Systems and Control](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/me/about/departments/delft-center-for-systems-and-control/)
+in [Delft University of Technology](https://www.tudelft.nl/en/)
+Copyright (c) 2024 Filippo Airaldi.
+Copyright notice: Technische Universiteit Delft hereby disclaims all copyright interest
+in the program “globopt” (Global Optimization) written by the Author(s). Prof. Dr. Ir.
+Fred van Keulen, Dean of ME.
+## References
+Balandat, M., Karrer, B., Jiang, D. R., Daulton, S., Letham, B., Wilson, A. G., Bakshy, E. (2020).
+[BoTorch: A Framework for Efficient Monte-Carlo Bayesian Optimization](https://proceedings.neurips.cc/paper/2020/hash/f5b1b89d98b7286673128a5fb112cb9a-Abstract.html).
+Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, 21524-21538.
+Paszke, A., Gross, S., Massa, F., Lerer, A., Bradbury, J., Chanan, G., Killeen, T., Lin, Z., Gimelshein, N., Antiga, L., Desmaison, A., Köpf, A., Yang, E., DeVito, Z., Raison, M., Tejani, A., Chilamkurthy, S., Steiner, B., Fang, L., Bai, J., Chintala, S. (2019).
+[PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library](https://arxiv.org/abs/1912.01703).
+Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 33, 21524-21538.
+Joseph, V.R., Kang, L. (2011).
+[Regression-based inverse distance weighting with applications to computer experiments](https://www.jstor.org/stable/23210401).
+Technometrics 53(3), 254–265.
+McDonald, D.B., Grantham, W.J., Tabor, W.L., Murphy, M.J. (2007).
+[Global and local optimization using radial basis function response surface models](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0307904X06002009).
+Applied Mathematical Modelling 31(10), 2095–2110.