Upgraded FEIStyle (original) modified for use at the Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics FEI STU.
- Use Times New Roman font for consistency with the official MS word templates from URK
- support for citation standard ISO-690 required by STU FEI, using biber
- support for
acronymglossaries package - removed FEIstyle.bst (not needed)
- added Makefile
- added seminar paper template (example_paper.tex) example_paper.pdf
python script (utils/tree.py) to auto-generate contents of electronic medium (attachmentA.tex)- improved contents of electronic medium example, added 2 commands to make it easy to write attachmentA.tex like files
Note: FEIstyle supports only UTF-8 encoding.
Change-log is located here.
Note: Minor changes are not noted in change-log.
Here you can find the full documentation of how to download Latex for Linux, Windows and macOS.
install MacTex distribution using homebrew (~2GB / 6GB installed)
$ brew cask install mactex
you can download MacTex manually from tug.org.
Note: MacTex installs also BibDesk which can be used to maintain your bibliography in a very nice way.
If you installed MacTex distribution you also have application called TeX Live Utility (it is a front-end for pkmgr
which is used to upgrade all TeX related packages, open it from time to time and do a full update.
Here you can see detailed info about downloading latex on ubuntu.
There are more types of downloads. They differ in the amount of contents you would download. The texlive-latex-recommended is recommended to download. The full version will download every package linked with texlive (also those like Japanese or Chinese language support). Then add the missing packages. This can be achieved using command:
$ sudo apt install texlive-latex-recomended latexmk biber texlive-lang-czechslovak texlive-bibtex-extra texlive-science
Note: Works for Fedora too
Do following steps only if you have texlive 2015 or less
Note: biblatex-iso690 is included in 2016 build of texlive
download install script
$ wget http://mirrors.ctan.org/support/texlive/eitl.zip
$ unzip eitl.zip && cd eitl
install TexLive
$ ./eitl.sh /usr/share/texlive
Download the zip file or clone the repository. In case of the zip file, extract it to desired folder and enjoy.
In following sub-chapters file
is your main file.tex
(e.g.: diploma.tex
in root folder)
Following chain should output file.pdf
$ pdflatex file
$ biber file
$ glossary file
$ pdflatex file
$ pdflatex file #not a typo!
Note: see Hints and Trics section to get information on how to install letexmk
Following command runs necessary compile chain.
$ latexmk -pdf -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -silent file
Note: make sure to change file-name in Makefile on line #2
Build in .build
$ make
Clean .build
folder and delete PDF file in parent folder
$ make clean
Combine two commands above
$ make refresh
Read more on how to be even more efficient with latexmk && make.
Repository consists of ST3 project file which includes building your PDF using SUPER+b
Note: to enable building with short-cut
tools->Build System->FEI-LaTeX
You can also install LaTeXTools to make build / debug process even easier. File fei.sublime-project comes with settings set to build your documentation - just edit TEXroot
search terms:
- latexmk, CTAN, latex, tex, make, Makefile
humans whom you can ask:
editors and IDEs:
Afraid of losing your work? Use Git.
There is a variety of ways to count words and lines (characters are not so important) of compiled PDF file, and none is precise so we list a few and you can compare results yourself.
Using ps2ascii
$ ps2ascii example.pdf | wc -l -w -c
Using pdftotext
pdftotext example.pdf - | wc -l -w -c
Note: CZRP does word counting differently, for example my thesis using
method outputs 4288, 21031, 145198;pdftotext
method outputs 7051, 21377, 148535; CZRP word count is 14039 and character count 138687.
Counting words from source file (not recommended, since template does a lot of /include
ing and /input
texcount -inc example.tex
working example on Sharelatex.com- Sharelatex does not support biblatex-iso690 at this time
- transform tutorial.pdf to wiki page
- update read-me to include usage for Windows OS users
- update csquotes style to Slovak after this PR is merged, (perhaps in 2017)
- optional since not everyone has up-to-date packages installed
auto-generate contents of electronic medium- electronic medium should be brief with explanation, see example
- publish example of electronic medium
Any contributions are welcome!