This code corresponds to our UAI 2021 paper. In this paper, we provide an efficient streaming inference algorithm for infinite mixture models using a novel Bayesian recursion on the Chinese Restaurant Process.
To make streaming inference possible, we break the CRP's conditional distribution
After cloning the repository, create a virtual environment for Python 3:
python3 -m venv rcrp
Then activate the virtual environment:
source rcrp/bin/activate
Ensure pip is up to date:
pip install --upgrade pip
Then install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
We did not test Python2, but Python2 may work.
Each experiment has its own directory, each containing a
that creates a plots
subdirectory (e.g. exp_00_crp_prior/plots
) and then reproduces the plots in the paper. Each
should be run from the repository directory e.g.:
python3 exp_00_crp_prior/
Questions? Comments? Interested in collaborating? Open an issue or email Rylan Schaeffer at and cc Ila Fiete at