Solidity contracts for working with FHE smart contract on CoFHE.
Need help getting started? Check out the fhenix documentation!
These contracts are still under heavy constructions and will be changing frequently. Consider binding your contracts to a specific version, and keep an eye on the changelog
npm install @fhenixprotocol/cofhe-contracts
Import FHE.sol
or any of the helper contracts
import "@fhenixprotocol/cofhe-contracts/FHE.sol";
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
import {FHE, euint8, inEuint8} from "@fhenixprotocol/cofhe-contracts/FHE.sol";
contract Example {
euint8 _output;
function setOutput(inEuint8 calldata _encryptedNumber) public {
_output = FHE.asEuint8(_encryptedNumber);
function getOutputEncrypted(bytes32 publicKey) public view returns (bytes memory) {
return _output.seal(publicKey);
This project is licensed under MIT.