Palette is the collection of modlists developed by Ferroxius for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition
Currently available lists include:
- Little Bit of Everything
- Alpyne
Little Bit of Everything (LBOE) is a modlist designed to provide a reasonable amount of gameplay improvements, visual enhancements and new content without going particularly overboard in one area
Notable elements of LBOE include:
- Gameplay enhancements through Simonrim
- A general uplift in the visuals while keeping with the artistic design of vanilla Skyrim in aspects such as Appearance, weather, etc.
- A new worldspace in the form of Wymrstooth as well as some popular quest and music mods
Alpyne is a modlist aimed at providing the experience of an epic dark fantasy in presentation, coupled with a number of new additions and a gameplay loop revolving around responsive and semi-realistic gameplay systems
Things to expect of Alpyne:
The visuals aim to be impressive and dramatic without being a major performance hitter. Alpyne is not aiming for a "Next-Gen" experience on a technical level.
- Texture overhaul series from various authors such as AgentW and Clemus
- NAT 3 Weathers and Kauz ENB
- Environmental additions courtesy of mods such as Unmarked Locations and Northern Scenery
- Fabled Forests and Veydosebrom covering most flora
- Major city overhauls. Each hold capital and minor settlement has a unique identity in its architecture
- Utilisation of Skyrim Redone for reworked vanilla systems
- Complementary mods such as magelock and mortal enemies
- Skyrim Realistic Conquering to facilitate world feedback to the player
- Some restrictions on movement to encourage utilisation of mechanics such as horses
- Expanded questlines courtesy of Jayserpa's series
- New quests such as SIRENROOT
- New armour and weapons from authors such as Pulcharmsolis and 4thUnknown
- New custom followers
Things not to expect of Alpyne:
- Major settlement expansions. This is to keep performance steady
- Major NPC Overhauls. The NPCs are kept in line with the vanilla aesthetic
- Anything particularly "High-poly". Technical quality is kept to the same poly count and texture resolution of base Skyrim but utilising fixed or generally superior options
- Modern Combat Overhaul or any mods introducing new combat mechanics. I don't believe things like attack commitment suit Skyrim
- Hardcore mods. Things like survival mode will be supported but the list is not built around mods such as Frostfall
- New mechanics such as religions. Not my preference
- Expansions to existing followers such as Serana Dialogue Addon. Don't really like mods such as those
- No new Worldspaces. This is to expand on the strength and quality of the Skyrim worldspace rather than branch outwards
- Anything explicit or overtly sexual in theme. Implication is present in some mods but otherwise, there is no nudity or explicit sexual encounters
If you would like to support my work, here is a link to my ko-fi
The following have been important in one way or another to the development of my lists, giving me feedback or advice when needed:
- Althro
- Styyx
- Chef
- Ouroboros
- Syam
- Katiefraggle