- Edson Mota - Our supervising professor, your experience and knowledge have been invaluable to our progress.
Duckling GO is a mobile game about capturing pokemons, developed in JAVA using Android Studio by undergraduate students in computer engineering.
Using API as a database, players can log in every day and receive a different random pokemon. This way, it is possible to collect their favorite monsters!
Collect random pokemons, with one pokemon per day.
View collected pokemons, available in a local database.
Responsive Screens.
Log-in and Sign-in Feature.
In summary, you will need in order to run the project:
First, clone this repository. After that, open the directory with Android Studio Flamingo 2022.2.1. Then emulate the app after downloading dependencies.
Just generate .APK with android studio generator, than install it on your cellphone :). Or you can download and install the lastest version from the releases section.
Duckling GO screens were developed to turn out like figma.
Here's the logic model that represents how the code works with their classes.
Using relationa databse and SQLlite, Duckling go uses one local database, to store all pokemons captured, represented by schema below.
Developers used Trello to get things organized, each one using their own branch to code, using names to identify the commit type then merginng the features into develop branch. After testing, the group update the main branch. This application was developed in 08/06/2023 until 12/06/2023.
Feel free to create a new branch, fork the project or contact one of us to develop at Duckling GO game.