It is good practice to create a separate Drupal user per harvested source. This has to be done manually by the Drupal admin, and the user must have the rights to import data using the RestWS module.
Some Drupal modules need to be enabled / disabled:
- Enable
Basic Authentication
andRestWS i18n
modules - Disable
Global Redirect
modules - Enable
Bypass content access control
for theDataset importer
Invoke with
# java -jar uploader.jar location/of/
Use -D to set logging level and save the log to a file
# java -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=debug
-jar uploader.jar location/of/
The configuration file is a Java properties file.
# URL of the Drupal 7 website
# Comma separated list of language codes
# Drupal user ID number
# Drupal user login
# Drupal user password
# Local N-Triples DCAT file to be used for updating the site
# Temporarily local RDF store that will be used to load the DCAT file
Use the JVM system properties -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080
After (or during) the upload, the Lucene search index has to be updated in order to reflect the changes.
This can be done by the Drupal admin (Index all remaining content
For security reasons, the changes in module settings must be reverted
- Disable
Basic Authentication
andRestWS i18n
modules - Enable
Global Redirect
modules - Disable
Bypass content access control
for theDataset importer