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KubeFATE CLI User Guide

What is KubeFATE CLI

KubeFATE CLI is a CLI tool that connects KubeFATE service to deploy FATE on Kubernetes.

Install KubeFATE CLI

Before using kubefate CLI, you need to deploy KubeFATE service.

Deploy KubeFATE service on Kubernetes

Get the source code from GitHub:

git clone
cd KubeFATE/k8s-deploy

Deploy KubeFATE service on Kubernetes:

kubectl apply -f ./rbac-config.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./kubefate.yaml

A more detailed deployment process is here(deploy KubeFATE in Kubernetes).

Install CLI

kubefate CLI is developed by go and can run easily on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.

In addition to downloading and using the release package, it can also be compiled and installed on different platforms.


go build -o bin/kubefate kubefate.go

Mac OS

go build -o bin/kubefate kubefate.go


go build -o bin/kubefate.exe -buildmode=exe kubefate.go

Add ./bin to the 'PATH' environment variable.

Modify configuration

Configuration in current working directory config.yaml file.

  level: info
  username: admin
  password: admin


Verify the KubeFATE CLI works properly

Use kubefate version to verify that the installation is successful.

KubeFATE CLI commands

If you have successfully installed kubefate CLI, you can use these commands.

The kubefate command contains command actions and parameters.

cluster operations


Install a cluster

kubefate cluster install -f <cluster_config_yaml>


   --file value, -f value  Required, chart cluster.yaml
   --cover                 If the cluster already exists, overwrite the installation (default: false)
   --help, -h              show help (default: false)

If it runs successfully, a job_UUID will be returned. The cluster installation status can be obtained according to the job_UUID.

<cluster_config_yaml> means cluster.yaml cluster- spart.yaml cluster- serving.yaml and so on.

Note that although this command can return a job UUID, it doesn't mean that the job runs successfully.


Update a cluster

kubefate cluster update -f <cluster_config_yaml>


   --file value, -f value  Required, chart cluster.yaml
   --help, -h              show help (default: false)

If it runs successfully, a job_UUID will be returned. According to the job_UUID, the cluster update status can be obtained.


Delete a cluster

kubefate cluster delete <cluster_uuid>

If it runs successfully, a job_UUID will be returned. According to the job_UUID, the cluster deletion status can be obtained.


Get the list of currently running clusters.

kubefate cluster list


   --all, -A   List all clusters including deleted ones (default: false)
   --help, -h  show help (default: false)


Get the description information of the given cluster.

kubefate cluster describe <cluster_uuid>


Gets the component log for a given cluster. (If no component is specified, all logs will be obtained.)

kubefate cluster logs <cluster_uuid> [component]


   --follow, -f         Specify if the logs should be streamed. (default: false)
   --previous           If true, print the logs for the previous instance of the container in a pod if it exists. (defau
lt: false)
   --since value        Only return logs newer than a relative duration like 5s, 2m, or 3h. Defaults to all logs. Only o
ne of since-time since may be used. (default: 0s)
   --since-time value   Only return logs after a specific date (RFC3339). Defaults to all logs. Only one of since-time s
ince may be used. (default: (*time.Time)(nil))
   --timestamps         Include timestamps on each line in the log output. (default: false)
   --tail value         Lines of recent log file to display. Defaults to -1 with no selector, showing all log lines othe
rwise 10, if a selector is provided. (default: -1)
   --limit-bytes value  Maximum bytes of logs to return. Defaults to no limit. (default: 0)
   --help, -h           show help (default: false)


Through the install, update and delete of the cluster, the corresponding jobs will be generated.


Get the list of all jobs

kubefate job list


Cancel the Running job

kubefate job stop <job_uuid>

This only works for Running jobs of type ClusterInstall


Get the description information of the given job

kubefate job describe <job_uuid>


Delete the record of the given job

kubefate job delete <job_uuid>


Chart is the management of the chart needed to install cluster.


Upload chart file to KubeFATE service. The chart file must be generated by the helm package

kubefate chart upload -f <chart_file>


Get the chart list of existing KubeFATE services.

kubefate chart list


Delete chart file from KubeFATE service.

kubefate chart delete <chart_uuid>



Get the namespace list of Kubernetes.

kubefate namespace list



Get the user list of KubeFATE service.

kubefate user list


Obtain the specific user description information of KubeFATE service.

kubefate user describe <user_uuid>


View the corresponding version of KubeFATE service of the current CLI and connection.

kubefate version


Get CLI help.

kubefate help

All commands supports adding --help to show help information.

If you have any questions with regarding to KubeFATE CLI, you can get help through creating an issue here.