Scrap, a simple voice assistant for Windows developed using Python.
Make sure the internet and microphone are connected and working properly else the program will throw errors.
To use voice typing just say "Activate voice typing". For mathematical and general knowledge stuff just say "Activate calculation".
While using the program for the first time, make sure to run the first. It will TrainData.pth. Do not delete it. Then run and it will start working.
You can add your own custom commands using intents.json and
Make sure to delete the TrainData.pth and run the again after making any changes.
#Adding new commands like opening an application To open an application add this code in :
elif "open chrome" in query:
gcpath = "C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe"
Here, "open chrome" part is the command you want to use for opening the application "gcpath" is the application's location in your device, you can use any variable name you want.
After adding this in, also update it in intents.json and run the (delete the old TrainData.pth)
And yeah, make sure to install all the necessary dependencies and packages.