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449 lines (314 loc) · 15.6 KB

File metadata and controls

449 lines (314 loc) · 15.6 KB


VIMNetworking is an Objective-C library that enables interaction with the Vimeo API. It handles authentication, request submission and cancellation, and video upload. Advanced features include caching and powerful model object parsing.

The upload system supports background session uploads from apps and extensions. Its core component is a serial task queue that can execute composite tasks (tasks with subtasks). For example, a composite task might include 3 steps: (1) a video file upload step, (2) a POST request to set file metadata (title, description, privacy), and (3) a POST request to share the video with friends. The upload system allows users to upload videos to Vimeo, but can be repurposed to manage background upload (or download) from any source. See detailed documentation below for more information.

Sample Project

Check out the sample project here.



# Add this to your podfile
target 'MyTarget' do
    pod 'VIMNetworking', '5.4.2' # Replace with the latest version

Note that VIMNetworking has dependencies on AFNetworking and VIMObjectMapper.

###Git Submodules

  1. Clone the library repo into your Xcode project directory. In terminal:
cd your_xcode_project_directory
git clone --recursive
  1. Locate the VIMNetworking.xcodeproj file and add it to your Xcode project. This will add VIMNetworking as a nested subproject.

  2. Link the VIMNetworking static library and its dependencies to your application. Navigate to your app target settings > General > Linked Frameworks and Libraries, and add the following dependencies:

  • libVIMNetworking.a
  • Social.framework
  • Accounts.framework
  • MobileCoreServices.framework
  • AVFoundation.framework
  • SystemConfiguration.framework
  1. Configure Xcode’s header file search path. Navigate to your app target settings > Build Settings. Under “User Header Search Paths”, add the directory where VIMNetworking is located (relative to your project directory: './VIMNetworking/'), and select ‘recursive’.

  2. Configure linker settings. Navigate to Build Settings again. Under “Other Linker Flags”, add ‘-ObjC’.

  3. Add the digicert-sha2.cer certificate file to your Xcode project. This can be found in VIMNetworking/Networking/Certificate/digicert-sha2.cer. This is necessary to enable certificate pinning.


On app launch, configure VIMSession with your client key, secret, and scope strings. And once initialization is complete, authenticate if necessary.

#import "VIMNetworking.h"

. . .

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions 
    [KeychainUtility configureWithService:@"YOUR SERVICE" accessGroup:@"YOUR GROUP OR NIL"];

    VIMSessionConfiguration *config = [[VIMSessionConfiguration alloc] init];
    config.clientKey = @"your_client_key";
    config.clientSecret = @"your_client_secret";
    config.scope = @"private public create edit delete interact"; // Replace with your scope
    [[VIMSession sharedSession] setupWithConfiguration:config];    

    if ([[VIMSession sharedSession].account isAuthenticated] == NO)
        NSLog(@"Already authenticated!");

    . . .


All calls to the Vimeo API must be authenticated. This means that before making requests to the API you must authenticate and obtain an access token. Two authentication methods are provided:

  1. Client credentials grant: This mechanism allows your application to access publicly accessible content on Vimeo.

  2. OAuth authorization code grant: This mechanism allows a Vimeo user to grant permission to your app so that it can access private, user-specific content on their behalf.

Client Credentials Grant

[[VIMSession sharedSession] authenticateWithClientCredentialsGrant:^(NSError *error) {

        if (error == nil)
            NSLog(@"Failure: %@", error);

OAuth Authorization Code Grant

  1. Set up a redirect url scheme:

Navigate to your app target settings > Info > URL Types. Add a new URL Type, and under url scheme enter vimeo{CLIENT_KEY} (ex: if your CLIENT_KEY is 1234, enter vimeo1234). This allows Vimeo to redirect back into your app after authorization.

You also need to add this redirect URL to your app on the Vimeo API site. Under “App Callback URL”, add vimeo{CLIENT_KEY}://auth (for the example above, vimeo1234://auth).

  1. Open the authorization URL in Mobile Safari:
NSURL *URL = [[VIMSession sharedSession].authenticator codeGrantAuthorizationURL];
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:URL];
  1. Mobile Safari will open and the user will be presented with a webpage asking them to grant access based on the scope that you specified in your VIMSessionConfiguration above.

  2. The user is then redirected back to your application. In your AppDelegate’s URL handling method, pass the URL back to VIMAPIClient to complete the authorization grant:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation
    [[VIMSession sharedSession] authenticateWithCodeGrantResponseURL:url completionBlock:^(NSError *error) {
        if (error == nil)
            NSLog(@"Failure: %@", error);

    return YES;


With VIMNetworking configured and authenticated, you’re ready to start making requests to the Vimeo API.

JSON Request

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestURI:@"/videos/77091919" completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {
    id JSONObject = response.result;
    NSLog(@"JSONObject: %@", JSONObject);


Model Object Request

VIMRequestDescriptor *descriptor = [[VIMRequestDescriptor alloc] init];
descriptor.urlPath = @"/videos/77091919";
descriptor.modelClass = [VIMVideo class];

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestDescriptor:descriptor completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {
    VIMVideo *video = (VIMVideo *)response.result;
    NSLog(@"VIMVideo object: %@", video);


Collection Request

VIMRequestDescriptor *descriptor = [[VIMRequestDescriptor alloc] init];
descriptor.urlPath = @"/me/videos";
descriptor.modelClass = [VIMVideo class];
descriptor.modelKeyPath = @"data";

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestDescriptor:descriptor completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {

    NSArray *videos = (NSArray *)response.result; 
    NSLog(@"Array of VIMVideo objects: %@", videos);


Request Cancellation

id<VIMRequestToken> currentRequest = [[VIMSession sharedSession].client requestURI:@"/videos/77091919" completionBlock:^(VIMServerResponse *response, NSError *error) {

    id JSONObject = response.result;
    NSLog(@"JSONObject: %@", JSONObject);


[[VIMSession sharedSession].client cancelRequest:currentRequest];

// or

[[VIMSession sharedSession].client cancelAllRequests];

Video Upload

The video upload system uses a background configured NSURLSession to manage a queue of video uploads (i.e. uploads continue regardless of whether the app is in the foreground or background).

The upload queue can be paused and resumed, and is automatically paused/resumed when losing/gaining a connection. It can also be configured to restrict uploads to wifi only.

The queue is persisted to disk so that in the event of an app termination event it can be reconstructed to the state it was in before termination.

When you configure VIMNetworking, set the backgroundSessionIdentifierApp property and include the "upload" permission in your scope. If you plan to initiate uploads from an extension, set the backgroundSessionIdentifierExtension and sharedContainerID properties as well.

VIMSessionConfiguration *config = [[VIMSessionConfiguration alloc] init];
config.clientKey = @"your_client_key";
config.clientSecret = @"your_client_secret";
config.scope = @"private public create edit delete interact upload";
config.backgroundSessionIdentifierApp = @"your_app_background_session_id";
config.backgroundSessionIdentifierExtension = @"your_extension_background_session_id";
config.sharedContainerID = @"your_shared_container_id";

Load the VIMUploadTaskQueue(s) at each launch.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    // ...

    [VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue];
    [VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedExtensionQueue];

    return YES;

Implement the application:andleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:completionHandler: method in your AppDelegate:

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:(NSString *)identifier completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler
    if ([identifier isEqualToString:BackgroundSessionIdentifierApp])
        [VIMUploadSessionManager sharedAppInstance].completionHandler = completionHandler;
    else if ([identifier isEqualToString:BackgroundSessionIdentifierExtension])
        [VIMUploadSessionManager sharedExtensionInstance].completionHandler = completionHandler;

Enqueue a PHAsset for upload.

PHAsset *asset = ...;
VIMVideoAsset *videoAsset = [[VIMVideoAsset alloc] initWithPHAsset:asset];
[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] uploadVideoAssets:@[videoAsset]];

Enqueue an AVURLAsset for upload.

NSURL *URL = ...;
AVURLAsset *URLAsset = [AVURLAsset assetWithURL:URL];
BOOL canUploadFromSource = ...; // If the asset doesn't need to be copied to a tmp directory before upload, set this to YES
VIMVideoAsset *videoAsset = [[VIMVideoAsset alloc] initWithURLAsset:URLAsset canUploadFromSource:canUploadFromSource];
[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedExtensionQueue] uploadVideoAssets:@[videoAsset]];

Enqueue multiple assets for upload.

NSArray *videoAssets = @[...];
[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] uploadVideoAssets:videoAssets];

Cancel an upload.

VIMVideoAsset *videoAsset = ...;
[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] cancelUploadForVideoAsset:videoAsset];

Cancel all uploads.

[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] cancelAllUploads];

Pause all uploads.

[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] pause];

Resume all uploads.

[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] resume];

Ensure that uploads only occur when connected via wifi...or not. If cellularUploadEnabled is set to NO, the upload queue will automatically pause when leaving wifi and automatically resume when entering wifi. (Note: the queue will automatically pause/resume when the device is taken offline/online.)

[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue].cellularUploadEnabled = NO;

Add video metadata to an enqueued or in-progress upload.

VIMVideoAsset *videoAsset = ...;

VIMVideoMetadata *videoMetadata = [[VIMVideoMetadata alloc] init];
videoMetadata.videoTitle = @"Really cool title";
videoMetadata.videoDescription = @"Really cool description"";
videoMetadata.videoPrivacy = (NSString *)VIMPrivacyValue_Private;

[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] addMetadata:videoMetadata toVideoAsset:videoAsset withCompletionBlock:^(BOOL didAdd) {
    if (!didAdd)
        // The upload has already finished, 
        // Set the metadata using the VIMAPIClient method updateVideoWithURI:title:description:privacy:completionHandler:

If you build UI to support pause and resume, listen for the VIMNetworkTaskQueue_DidSuspendOrResumeNotification notification and update your UI accordingly.

- (void)addObservers
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(uploadTaskQueueDidSuspendOrResume:) name:VIMNetworkTaskQueue_DidSuspendOrResumeNotification object:nil];

- (void)uploadTaskQueueDidSuspendOrResume:(NSNotification *)notification
    BOOL isSuspended = [[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] isSuspended];
    [self.pauseResumeButton setSelected:isSuspended];

Use KVO to communicate upload state and upload progress via your UI. Observe changes to VIMVideoAsset's uploadState and uploadProgressFraction properties.

static void *UploadStateContext = &UploadStateContext;
static void *UploadProgressContext = &UploadProgressContext;

- (void)addObservers
    [self.videoAsset addObserver:self forKeyPath:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(uploadState)) options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:UploadStateContext];
    [self.videoAsset addObserver:self forKeyPath:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(uploadProgressFraction)) options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:UploadProgressContext];

- (void)removeObservers
        [self.videoAsset removeObserver:self forKeyPath:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(uploadState)) context:UploadStateContext];
    @catch (NSException *exception)
        NSLog(@"Exception removing observer: %@", exception);

        [self.videoAsset removeObserver:self forKeyPath:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(uploadProgressFraction)) context:UploadProgressContext];
    @catch (NSException *exception)
        NSLog(@"Exception removing observer: %@", exception);

- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
                        change:(NSDictionary *)change
                       context:(void *)context
    if (context == UploadStateContext)
        if ([keyPath isEqualToString:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(uploadState))])
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                [self uploadStateDidChange];
    else if (context == UploadProgressContext)
        if ([keyPath isEqualToString:NSStringFromSelector(@selector(uploadProgressFraction))])
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                [self uploadProgressDidChange];
        [super observeValueForKeyPath:keyPath ofObject:object change:change context:context];

When your UI is loaded or refreshed, associate your newly create VIMVideoAsset objects with their upload task counterparts so your UI continues to communicate upload state and progress.

NSArray *videoAssets = self.datasource.items; // For example
[[VIMUploadTaskQueue sharedAppQueue] associateVideoAssetsWithUploads:videoAssets];

###Repurposing the Upload System

The upload system can be repurposed to manage background uploads (or downloads) from any source. The simplest way to do this is to subclass VIMNetworkTask and VIMNetworkTaskQueue, using VIMUploadTask and VIMUploadTaskQueue for inspiration.


VIMNetworking is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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