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FastLane Frontrunner Bot

💡We also have a python version of the bot Here 🐍

Frontrunner Game Animation

The objective is simple, you compete as a searcher to be first to land a transaction on-chain in each new block. Your ranking is determined by your win/loss ratio weighted by number of attempts.


1. Install Go (Golang)

First, you'll need to install Go on your computer:


  1. Download the installer from Go's official website
  2. Run the installer and follow the prompts
  3. Open Command Prompt and verify installation:
go version


Using Homebrew:

brew install go

Linux (Ubuntu/Debian):

sudo apt update
sudo apt install golang

2. Set up your environment

  1. Create a .env file in the project root directory
  2. Generate a private key (if you don't have one):
    # Using OpenSSL (recommended)
    openssl rand -hex 32
    # Alternative: Using Python
    python3 -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_hex(32))"
  3. To get your Ethereum address from the private key, use Python:
    # Install web3 if you haven't already
    pip install web3
    # Run this Python command (replace YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY with the key generated above)
    python3 -c "from web3 import Web3; w3 = Web3(); private_key = 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY'; account = w3.eth.account.from_key('0x' + private_key); print(f'Private key: {private_key}'); print(f'Public address: {account.address}')"
  4. Add your configuration:


  • Never share your private key or commit it to version control!
  • Store your private key securely and keep a backup

Common Commands

Run the bot

make run-bot
# or
go run cmd/bot/main.go

Check current scores

make scores
# or
go run cmd/scores/main.go


If you encounter any issues:

  1. Make sure Go is properly installed:
go version
  1. Verify your .env file exists and contains valid credentials
  2. Ensure all dependencies are installed:
go mod tidy

Need Help?

  • Ask for help in the FastLane on Monad Discord (#frontunner channel)
  • Talk to ChatGPT
  • Create an issue in this repository
  • Make sure your Go environment variables are set correctly:
go env
